15. The War of Independence

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2 15. The War of Independence
Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Řeřichová Škola: Gymnázium J. V. Jirsíka, Fr. Šrámka 23, České Budějovice Předmět: anglický jazyk Datum vytvoření: Cílová skupina: 3. – 4. ročník čtyřletého typu studia a odpovídající ročníky víceletých typů studia Typ hodiny: výklad s procvičením Popis: prezentace o válce amerických kolonií za nezávislost na Británii, příčiny a důsledky, procvičení učiva

3 Why did the war start? Colonies were fully dependant on Britain
British Parliament made laws to limit rising industry and commerce in the colonies The colonies provided raw materials – iron, steel, tobacco etc. – were forbidden to build their own manufacturing industries After the wars with France – situation got worse – Britain in financial difficulties Britain imposed duties on tea, paper, glass etc.

4 Boston Tea Party 16th December 1773 – colonists dresses like Indians – attacked 3 English ships in Boston Harbor – threw the cargo of tea into the sea Slogan “Let the King drink the tea on his own!” PD,

5 Congresses in Philadelphia
1774 – First Continental Congress – decision to buy arms and organize military training to prepare people for the war 1775 – beginning of the war at Lexington 1775 – Second Continental Congress – George Washington appointed Commander-in-Chief of the military forces 4th July 1776 – Declaration of Independence was adopted – written by Thomas Jefferson PD,

6 End of the war The colonists won the war – due to the great support of the French ( wanted revenge ) and Spanish 1783 – peace treaty signed in Paris Britain recognized independence of 13 American colonies Declaration of Independence – base of the American Constitution – the most democratic one in the world PD,

7 Put the events in the correct order
The colonists decided to fight with Britain Britain lost money at wars with France The War of Independence started at Lexington The colonies were fully dependent on Britain French and Spanish armies helped the colonists Peace treaty was signed George Washington was appointed the chief of the army The colonists dressed up like Indians and threw tea into the sea in Boston Britain increased taxes of tea, paper etc. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence The colonies defeated Britain

8 Thank you for your attention

9 Seznam pramenů a literatury
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