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The United States of America – The Presidents
Název a adresa školy Střední škola zemědělská a přírodovědná Rožnov pod Radhoštěm nábřeží Dukelských Hrdinů 570 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm Název operačního programu OP Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost Registrační číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Označení vzdělávacího materiálu VY_32_INOVACE_AJ2.PYS.03 Stupeň a typ vzdělávání Odborné vzdělávání Vzdělávací oblast Jazykové vzdělávání Vzdělávací obor Anglický jazyk Název tematické oblasti (sady) Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí Název vzdělávacího materiálu The United States of America – the Presidents Druh učebního materiálu The Map of the USA Anotace Prezentace slouží k opakování zeměpisných znalostí země formou BINGa a pravdivostních výroků, a tak obohacuje slovní zásobu ,což vede k samostatnému výkladu toliko nezbytného pro zdárné zvládnutí maturitní zkoušky. Klíčová slova Honesty, accomplishment, navy, war injure, quote,…. Ročník II.-IV. Typická věková skupina let Autor Ing. Zbyněk Pyš Datum zhotovení
The Office of the President of the United States of America is one of the most powerful in the world. “Under the United States Constitution, the President of the United States is the head of state and head of government of the United States. As chief of the executive branch and head of the federal government as a whole, the presidency is the highest political office in the United States by influence and recognition. The president is also the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces. The president is indirectly elected to a four-year term ……by the House of Representatives ….,… no person may be elected to the office of President more than twice. Furthermore, no person who served more than two years of a term ….may be elected more than once.“/text 1/ The President lives and works in the White House. His wife is called the First Lady.
acres of grounds crossed by hiking trails.
Obrázek 1 George Washington First President of the US, he is honored as the father of his country, he wore dentures made out of wood and he owned slaves. Americans celebrated his birthday while he was stillalive. He represents honesty. George Washington was a commander in chief of the Continental Army. He grew up on his father´s farm, enjoyed riding horses, fishing in the streams and ponds, climbing trees and playing various games with other children. The first American president was born On February 22, 1732 in a modest Plantation manor house along the Banks of Popes Creek, the state of Virginia. Popes Creek Plantation is part of the George Washington Birthplace National Monument, which includes the working farm, family cemetery, a picnic area, and more than 500 acres of grounds crossed by hiking trails.
BINGO honoured Virginia first cemetery riding father slaves games born
birthday fishing army February commander horses honesty
And another major event during his presidency was
Obrázek 2 ThomasJefferson Republican third President of the United States, he wrote the Declaration of Independence. And another major event during his presidency was buying huge territory in the West from France so the size of the nation doubled and it was the time of exploration of the unknown territories in the West.
Abraham Lincoln, the 16thpresident of the United States, was born on February 12, 1809 in a log manor house in Kentucky. His father Thomas tried to make a living as a carpenter and a farmer. Abe had little time for going to school. This lack of education made him hungry for more knowledge. He entered the arena of politics and law. In 1834 he was elected to The House of Representatives and began studying law. In 1847 as a lawyer he was elected into Congress. Lincoln joined the Republicans and they nominated him for the Senate in 1858. In 1860 he was a party´s candidate for the presidency and won. At the time some states left the Union to form the Confederate States of America, the country was divided and the Civil War began. The War was not only over the abolition of slavery but also the Rights of all individual States to make their own decisions on other matters. On April 14, Mr. And Mrs. Lincoln attended a play at the Ford´s Theatre in Washington,D.C. . An actor, John W. Booth, who disagreed with Lincoln´s political opinions , stepped into the presidental box and shot Lincoln who died the following day. Obrázek 3 Abraham LINCOLN
BINGO president Kentucky carpenter farmer lack nominated war Theatre
box hungry Senate abolition actor shot knowledge 1860 slavery J.W.Booth died law Union Rights opinions day Congress
A republican and the 26thPresident of the United States
A republican and the 26thPresident of the United States. He became the President when he was only 43. Obrázek 4 Theodore Roosevelt He could be proud of his construction and building of the Canal in Panama, which joined the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean fleets of the United States Navy.
A democrat and the thirty-fifth President
of the USA, who loved sailing and he lived with a very bad pain from a war injury. He has got a famous sentence from his inaugural speech : “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.“ Obrázek 5 John Fitzgerald KENNEDY
Ronald Wilson Reagan; February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004) was the 40th President of the United States (1981–89). Before that, he was the 33rd Governor of California and a radio, film and television actor. Obrázek 6 Ronald Reagan He survived an assassination attempt, took a hard line against labor unions, and ordered an invasion of Grenada. He was reelected in 1984, proclaiming it was "Morning in America".He influenced the ending of the Cold War, the 1986 bombing of Libya.He described the Soviet Union as an "evil empire.“ Reagan negotiated with Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev, culminating in the INF Treaty and the decrease of both countries' nuclear arsenals. Reagan left office in 1989.
Democrat and fourty – second President
Democrat and fourty – second President. President Bill Clinton was born in 1946 in Hope, Arkansas. He attended Georgetown University, Oxford University in Great Britain, and Yale Law School. Obrázek 7 Bill Clinton Clinton was a teacher at the University of Arkansas. In 1978 he was elected governor of Arkansas, becoming the nation´s youngest governor. He married Hillary Rodham. They have one child, a daughter Chelsea. Clinton defeated president George Bush in the presidential election in 1992 and became 42nd US President. He was reelected in 1996.
George Walker Bush (born July 6, 1946) is an American politician, businessman who was the 43rd President of the United States from 2001 to 2009 and the 46th Governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000. Obrázek 8 George W. Bush After graduating from Yale University in 1968 and Harvard Business School in 1975, Bush worked in oil businesses. Eight months into Bush's first term as president, the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks occurred. In response, Bush announced the War on Terror, an international military campaign which included the war in Afghanistan launched in 2001 and the war in Iraq launched in 2003.
How many words do you remember ??
Ronald Wilson Reagan Bill Clinton George Walker Bush 33rd Governer democrat politician assassinations Hope, Arkansas businessman invasion university Texas reelected teacher graduating Cold War governor oil evil empire married September 11 negotiate daughter War on Terror INF Treaty defeated military nuclear arsenal election campaign
Barack Hussein Obama II born August 4, 1961 is the 44th and current President of the United States. He is the first African American to hold the office. Obrázek 9 Barack Obama H Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was president of the Harvard Law Review. He won the Senate election in November 2004, serving until his resignation following his 2008 presidential election victory.
TRUE or FALSE No. T F 1 George Washington owned slaves. 2
He (G.W.) was very strong. 3 Thomas Jefferson was the first President of the United States. 4 Th. Jefferson is an author of the Constitution. 5 Abraham Lincoln was a Democrat. 6 Theodore Roosevelt was only 34 when he became the President. 7 John F. Kennedy loved to ride a bike. 8 John F. Kenedy was not very popular. 9 Barack H. Obama is the current President of the USA. 10 Clinton was a teacher at the University of Georgia.
Answer the Questions !? What is the position of the American President ? Who was the first President of the USA ? Who is honored as the father of the US country ? What important thing did T.Jefferson do for his country ? Why did A. Lincoln become the symbol of “the American dream ?“ How old was T. Roosevelt when he became the President ? Why was J.F. Kenedy so popular ?
Results A) True or False ?? 1.T, 2.T, 3.F, 4.F, 5.F, 6.F, 7.F, 8.F, 9.T, 10.F B) Questions ??? The head of state and head of government of the United States, George Washington Also George Washington He bought huge territory in the West from France and wrote the Declaration of Independence. He formed the Confederate States of America, he made the abolition of slavery He was only 43 He was a very big democrat, loved people and country.
1. Text :Wikipedie: List of Presidents of United States
1.Text :Wikipedie: List of Presidents of United States. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. 5 July 2012[cit ].Dostupný pod licencí Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Licence na WWW:< Obrázek 1 George Washington STUART, Gilbert. [online] [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí public domain na WWW: < Obrázek 2 Thomas Jefferson REMBRANDT, Peale. [online] [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí Public domain na WWW: < Obrázek 3 Abraham LINCOLN HEALY, George Peter Alexander. [online] [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí Public domain na WWW: < Obrázek 4 Theodore Roosevelt SARGENT, John Singer. [online] [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí Public domain na WWW: < Obrázek 5 John Fitzgerald KENNEDY AUTOR NEUVEDEN. [online] [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí Public domain na WWW: < Obrázek 6 Ronald Reagan AUTOR NEUVEDEN. [online]. 8 April 1983 [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí Public domain na WWW: < Obrázek 7 Bill Clinton MCNEELY, Bob. [online]. 1.leden 1993 [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí Public domain na WWW: < Obrázek 8 George W.Bush DRAPER, Eric. [online] [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí Public domain na WWW: < Obrázek 9 Barack Obama SOUZA, Pete. [online]. 13.leden 2009 [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported na WWW:<
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