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ZveřejnilRandall Casey
Název školy: ZŠ Klášterec nad Ohří, Krátká 676 Autor: Lenka Špillerová Název materiálu: VY_32_INOVACE_19_42_Adverbs Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/ Anotace: Prezentace umožňuje žákům 7. ročníku seznámit se s odvozováním příslovcí od přídavných jmen. Materiál obsahuje názorné animace. Některé snímky lze využít jako zápis, jiné jsou určeny k procvičování a opakování látky.
ADVERBS příslovce
- ly blíže popisují slovesa ptáme se „jak?“
tvoří se z přídavných jmen, většinou připojením ADJECTIVES ADVERBS - ly beautitul krásný slow pomalý happy šťastný safe bezpečný horrible hrozný beautifully krásně slowly pomalu happily šťastně safely bezpečně horribly hrozně
Practise Use adverbs to change the following sentences.
1) Kayla is a perfect singer.
She sings .... 2) Dave is an excellent runner. He … 3) My sister is a loud player. She … 4) Sue is a careful ridder. 5) Tony is a dangerous driver. He …. 6) The penguin is a crazy dancer. It …….
1) Kayla is a perfect singer.
She sings perfectly. 2) Dave is an excellent runner. He runs excellently. 3) My sister is a loud player. She plays loudly. 4) Sue is a careful rider. She rides carefully. 5) Tony is a dangerous driver. He drives dangerously. 6) The penguin is a crazy dancer. It dances crazily
Practise Choose the right words - adverbs or adjectives
She writes quick/ quickly. She´s quick/ quickly at writting.
He´s a lazy/ lazily student. He studies lazy/lazily. John plays terrible/ terribly He´s a terrible/ terribly player. Ron flies safe/ safely Flying is safe/ safely with Ron. Cats are quiet/ quietly animals. They can move quiet/ quietly. They are dancing funny/funnily. Their dance is funny/funnily. Penguins are happy/ happily. They sing happy/ happily. It´s a heavy/ heavily rain It rains heavy/ heavily today. A turtle walks slow/slowly. It´s a slow/slowly animal.
She writes quickly. She´s quick at writting.
He´s a lazy student. He studies lazily. John plays terribly He´s a terrible player. Ron flies safely Flying is safe with Ron. Cats are quiet animals They can move quietly. They are dancing funnily. Their dance is funny. Penguins are happy. They sing happily. It´s a heavy rain It rains heavily today. A turtle walks slowly. It´s a slow animal.
Shirley takes pictures nice/ nicely.
She makes nice/nicely pictures. Parker is a bad/ badly student. He studdies bad/ badly. They dance easy/ easily. Dancing is easy/easily for them. We´re sitting comfortable/comfortably in our comfortable/comfortably sofa. It wasn´t a real/ really ghost but it was real/ really scary.
Shirley takes pictures nicely.
She makes nice pictures. Parker is a bad student. He studdies badly. They dance easily. Dancing is easy for them. We´re sitting comfortably in our comfortable sofa. It wasn´t a real ghost but it was really scary.
Irregular adverbs nepravidelná příslovce ADJECTIVES ADVERBS good dobrý
far daleký hard těžký near blízký late pozdní fast rychlý early časný well dobře far daleko hard hardly těžko stěží near nearly blízko téměř late pozdě lately poslední dobou fast fychle early časně
Harry is a good/ well student.
He studdies good/ well. Dancing is hard/ hardly for her. She can hard/ hardly dance. Mr. Parkes is a hard/ hardly worker. He works hard/ hardly. Adam swims fast/ fastly. He´s a fast/fastly swimmer. The forest isn´t far/farly. It´s near/ nearly the tent. The tent is near/ nearly in the forest.
Harry is a good student. He studdies well. Dancing is hard for her. She can hardly dance. Mr. Parkes is a hard worker. He works hard. Adam swims fast. He´s a fast swimmer. The forest isn´t far. It´s near the tent. The tent is nearly in the forest.
Late/ lately Tom comes late/lately for school.
He isn´t an early/ earlily bird. He doesn´t get up early/ earlily. Her dress is beautifull/ beautifully. She looks beautiful/ beautifully. My uncle drives a motorbike carful/ carefully. He´s a careful/ carefully driver. Edward is a high/highly jumper. He jumps high/ higly.
Lately Tom comes late for school.
He isn´t an early bird. He doesn´t get up early. Her dress is beautifull. She looks beautifully. My uncle drives a motorbike carefully. He´s a careful driver. Edward is a high jumper. He jumps high.
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