Personal pronouns Škola

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Prezentace na téma: "Personal pronouns Škola"— Transkript prezentace:

1 Personal pronouns Škola
ZŠ Masarykova, Masarykova 291, Valašské Meziříčí Název Personal pronouns Autor Soňa Lichnovská Předmět Anglický jazyk Stupeň/Ročník První / 5. Číslo VY_32_INOVACE_08.20 Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.4.00/ Téma hodiny Vytvořeno Říjen 2012 Anotace Pravidelné procvičování učiva hodin AJ včetně nácviku správné výslovnosti. Očekávaný výstup Obohacení a zpestření učiva Druh učebního materiálu Prezentace Speciální učební pomucky Data projektor Použité zdroje

2 Make a sentence from these words!
am republic. Czech I from

3 I am from the Czech Republic.

4 Make a sentence from these words!
speaks well. English very She

5 She speaks English very well.

6 Make a sentence from these words!
They on in holiday Italy. are

7 They are on holiday in Italy.

8 Make a sentence from these words!
It´s rabbit. a white

9 It´s a white rabbit.

10 Make a sentence from these words!
It´s eight. past half

11 It´s half past eight.

12 Make a sentence from these words!
Does like sweets? she

13 Does she like sweets?

14 Make a sentence from these words!
get you up? do When

15 When do you get up?

16 Make a sentence from these words!
at They start o´clock. school eight

17 They start school at eight o´clock.

18 Make a sentence from these words!
you do do dinner? after What

19 What do you do after dinner?

20 Make a sentence from these words!
When do you do homework? your

21 When do you do your homework?

22 Make a sentence from these words!
to go at past They bed half nine.

23 They go to bed at half past nine.

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