PRAGUE - HISTORY Mgr. Zdislava Šmídová.

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1 PRAGUE - HISTORY Mgr. Zdislava Šmídová

2 Anotace Kód DUMu: VY_32_INOVACE_1.AJ.13
Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Vytvořeno: září 2012 Ročník: 3. ročník a 4. ročník – čtyřleté gymnázium (RVP-G) Septima a Oktáva – osmileté gymnázium (RVP-G) Anotace: Tento materiál by vytvořen jako téma pro maturitní okruh: The Czech Republic. Prague – History na Gymnáziu a JŠ Svitavy; přibližně na jednu, popřípadě více vyučovacích hodin (pro výklad i opakování – shrnutí učiva). Obsahuje jednak přehled faktografických údajů, tak i anglickou ustálenou terminologii, doplněné o interaktivní cvičení: doplňovací cvičení ve skupinách, rozvoj řečových dovedností pomocí rozhovorů ve dvojicích (role-play). Je primárně zaměřen na dva poslední ročníky gymnázia, i přesto se dá využít i v nižších ročnících osmiletého i čtyřletého studia vcelku nebo jeho jednotlivé části. Pomůcky: interaktivní tabule Vzdělávací oblast Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor Anglický jazyk Tematický okruh The Czech Republic. Prague - History


4 History of Prague the Slavs came in the 6th century
in the 9th century - the seat of Czech princes and later kings of Bohemia the political heart of the Czech State Charles IV (Bohemian King and Holy Roman Emperor) established: 1) an Archbishopric (1344) 2) Charles University (1348) 3) the New Town with the Horse Market (now Wenceslas Square) 4) the Cattle Market (now Charles Square) 5) the Hunger Wall 6) Charles Bridge 7) St Vitus Cathedral




8 the 15th century is marked by the Hussite Movement (1419-1437)
it is named after: Jan Hus (John Huss) - professor, dean, and later rector of Charles University - in 1415 he was burnt at the stake as a heretic the 16th century Prague regained its cosmopolitan character became the seat of Rudolph II - invited artists and scientists (Tycho de Brahe, Johannes Kepler)


10 In 1620 - the Czech estates rose up against the Hapsburg were defeated in the Battle of the White Mountain in noblemen were executed in the Old Town Square the 18th century - the centre of the Czech cultural life = =national revival in 1918 Prague - the capital of the independent Czechoslovak Republic

11 in 1939 - occupied by German troops in persecuted after the assassination of the Nazi deputy protector Heydrich on 9th May 1945 - was liberated by the Russians in 1968 -the August occupation of Prague stopped the democratic reforms on 17th November 1989 -the Velvet Revolution (democratic changes) on 1st January 1993 -the capital of the Czech Republic


13 Prince Krok established the seat of the first Czech princes.
LEGENDS Prince Krok established the seat of the first Czech princes. After Krok´s death, Libuše - the youngest of his three daughters - was chosen by the people to be their ruler she had the gift of prophecy -she said: ”I can see the town on the 7 hills whose glory will touch the stars”


15 The Story of Horymír and Šemík
farmer named Horymír had a white horse of extraordinary intelligence called Šemík prince Křesomysl wanted to find treasures underground and lots of people became miners Horymír was against it (because of famine) Miners set his property on fire Horymír in turn burned down the miners' village Horymír was punished and sentenced for execution his last wish was one last ride around the castle on his beloved horse Šemík


17 he whispered something in his ear
Šemík jumped over and slid down the cliff Horymír and Šemík on the other side of the Vltava, galloping towards Neumětely The miraculous jump exhausted Šemík The dying horse spoke to Horymír in a human voice and asked for a tomb to be built for him. Šemík is said to be sleeping in the Vyšehrad rock, ready to come out when his help is needed again

18 St Wenceslas Viz prezentace: VY_32_INOVACE_1.AJ.14
I_14_Prague Famous sights (Wenceslas Square)

19 QUIZ WORK IN PAIRS 1) Charles IV established:
an Archbishopric, Charles University, the New Town with the Horse Market, the Cattle market, the Hunger Wall, Charles Bridge, St. Vitus Cathedral 2) Jan Hus was a professor, dean, and later rector of Charles University in 1415 he was burnt at the stake as a heretic 3) In noblemen were executed in the Old Town Square after the Batle of the White Moun. 4) In 1939 Prague was - occupied by German troops 5) On 9th May 1945 Prague was - was liberated by the Russians 6) On 17th November 1989 - the Velvet Revolution (democratic changes)

20 The Story of Horymír and Šemík
ROLE-PLAY Work in pairs: Describe your classmate the Legend of Libuše CHANGE YOUR ROLES 2) Describe your classmate The Story of Horymír and Šemík

21 Zdroje a použitá literatura
KNIŽNÍ ZDROJE: 1) SMITH - DLUHÁ, Gabriella a kol. Angličtina otázky a odpovědi. Olomouc: INFOA, 2007, ISBN X. 2) EL-HMOUDOVÁ, Dagmar. Angličtina - Maturitní témata. Český Těšín: Petra Velanová, Třebíč, 2006, ISBN 3) CHUDÁ, Jana; CHUDÝ, Tomáš. Topics for English Conversation. Havlíčkův Brod: Fragment, 1998, ISBN ELEKTRONICKÉ ZDROJE: ORŠULÁK, Tomáš; DOKTOROVÁ, Tatiana. Prague [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW: FOTOGALERIE: Barbora Karlíková (Se souhlasem autora objektu,všechny fotografie)

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