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VY_22_INOVACE_AJK.21 Autor: Martina Majtánová
Datum vytvoření: únor 2012 Ročník: I.stupeň (4.-5.ročník) Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Tematický okruh: Rozvoj komunikačních dovedností Téma: Divoká zvířata
I´m a lion. I´m from Africa. I´ve got long hair. I´m brown. I like meat.
I´m big. I like water. I eat water plants.
I´m a hippo. I´m big. I like water. I eat water plants. I´m a giraffe. I´ve got a long neck. I eat leaves. I´m a monkey. I´m brown. I´ve got a long tail. a long neck a long tail
I´ve got sharp teeth. I like water. I eat fish and meat.. tusks
I´m a crocodile. I´ve got sharp teeth. I like water. I eat fish and meat.. tusks I´m an elephant. I´m big. I´ve got big ears, tusks and a long nose. sharp teeth a long nose = a trunk I´m a snake. I´m long. I haven´t got legs. I eat mice.
I´m from North America. I´ve got a sharp beak and claws .
I´m an eagle. I´m from North America. I´ve got a sharp beak and claws . I´m a penguin. I´m from Antarctic. I´m a bird. I eat fish.. I´m a parrot. I live in South America. I can fly. I like nuts.
This is a whale. It lives in the sea.
It can swim. This is an ostrich. It´s a bird but it can´t fly. It can run. It has got a long neck. This is a gorilla. It lives in the forests. It likes bananas.
This is a frog. It´s green. It eats insects. This is a snowy owl. It lives in a cold place. It flies. This is a polar bear. It lives in Antarctica. It´s white. It eats fish.
This is a zebra. It lives in the grasslands. It eats grass. It´s black and white. This is a tiger. It lives in Asia. It´s a meateater. This is a shark. It lives in the sea. It eats fish. It´s very dangerous.
This is a dolphin. It´s clever. It swims and jumps. This is a bear. It´s brown. It eats fish. This is an octopus. It lives in the sea. It eats fish.
It isn´t a bird but it can fly. It eats fruit.
This is a bat. It isn´t a bird but it can fly. It eats fruit. a hump This is a camel. It lives in the desert. It has got a hump. This is a kangaroo. It lives in Australia. It can jump.
This is a rhino. It lives in a hot place. It´s big and strong.
It has got a horn. a horn This is a wolf. It lives in a cold place. It´s a meateater. This is a butterfly. It´nice.
Match It lives in a cold place It‘s a meateater It‘s a planteater
It eats fish It‘s got a long tail It lives in a sea It can fly It‘s dangerous It lives in a hot place
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