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Téma hodiny: The Czech Republic – Easter Předmět: English language
Ročník: střední škola Klíčová slova: Easter Jméno autora: Mgr. Soňa Šípová Škola: SŠGHS Litoměřice, Dlouhá 6 Smith-Dluhá, Gabrielle a kol. Angličtina-Otázky a odpovědi. Dubicko: INFOA
Easter in CR The pagan tradition stronger than the Christian one
Boys prepare plaited willow canes On Easter Monday they go from house to house and whip girls As a treat they get an egg, money, a drink or a ribbon Boys have to say a poem, too Houses are decorated with catkins and young springs as a symbol of new life
Symbols of Easter in CR People decorate eggs
Symbols of Easter in CR People eat sponge cakes in the form of lamb
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