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Australia – history, famous personalities
Mgr. Zuzana Hnátová
Anotace Kód Dumu : VY_32_INOVACE_3.AJ.14 Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Vytvořeno: leden 2013 Ročník: 3. ročník a 4. ročník - čtyřleté gymnázium (RVP-G) Septima a Oktáva - osmileté gymnázium (RVP-G) Vzdělávací oblast : Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Tematický okruh: English speaking countries - Australia – history, famous personalities Anotace: Tento materiál byl vytvořen jako téma pro maturitní okruh: Anglicky mluvící země na Gymnáziu a JŠ Svitavy přibližně na jednu, popřípadě více vyučovacích hodin (pro výklad i opakování – shrnutí učiva). Obsahuje jednak přehled faktografických údajů, tak i anglickou ustálenou terminologii, doplněné o interaktivní cvičení: samostatný ústní projev - prezentace Je primárně zaměřen na dva poslední ročníky gymnázia, i přesto se dá využít i v nižších ročnících osmiletého i čtyřletého studia vcelku nebo jeho jednotlivé části Pomůcky: interaktivní tabule
The Aborigines the original/ indigenous inhabitants
settled in Australia more than 50,000 years ago about 250 languages were spoken in Australia at this time could now own property or get many types of work kept their culture, live on Aboriginal reserves (Uluru)
The Europeans 1. the Dutch were the first Europeans who discovered Australia in the 17th century – the Dutch navigator Abel Tasman discovered Tasmania in 1642 an early name for Australia – New Holland
James Cook British captain discovered the island in 1770
2. British captain discovered the island in 1770 landed in Botany Bay in today´s Sydney explored the eastern coast
Arthur Philip British captain
3. British captain brought the first settlers (mainly convicts from England) to New South Wales Australia – originally the penal/prison colony the first colony was established in today Sydney
The discovery of gold in the middle of the 19th century
attracted many immigrants = the population increased rapidly as many people moved to Australia six separate colonies were founded the Aborigines were pushed off their tribal lands and new settlers started to use their lands for farming and mining
The modern history 1901 – A. became an independent nation, 6 colonies agreed to be a federation – the British Dominion known as the Commonwealth of Nations was formed 1927 – Canberra was declared the national capital 2000 – hosted the Summer Olympic Games in Sydney, the Olympics also concerned the unresolved issues about Aborigines
Famous personalities Patrick White - won the Nobel Prize for literature Peter Carey - a novelist Sidney Nolan, Brett Whitley – painters Kylie Minogue – a singer Nicole Kidman, Russell Crowe, Mel Gibson – actors Cathy Freeman, Ian Thorpe – athletes
Steve Irwin the crocodile hunter
was born in 1962 and was crazy about reptiles followed his father´s footsteps was killed by a stingray in 2006 while filming a documentary series
Presentation Speak on your own about the history of Australia.
Who were the indigenous inhabitants? What do you know about them? Who and when discovered Australia? When was the gold discovered? What events followed? What do you know about the 20th century history? Who are some famous Australian personalities?
Zdroje a seznam použité literatury
Obrázky DONALD. commons.wikimedia [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW: AUTOR NEUVEDEN. commons.wikimedia [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW: AUTOR NEUVEDEN. commons.wikimedia [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW: Neočíslované obrázky pocházejí z otevřené galerie Microsoft Office (Powerpoint) Knihy a internetové zdroje 1. EL-HMOUDOVÁ. Maturitní témata. Třebíč: Petra Velanová, 2006, ISBN 2. SMITH-DLOUHÁ a kol. Angličtina – otázky a odpovědi .. Nejen k maturitě. Dubicko: INFOA, 2008, ISBN 3. AUTOR NEUVEDEN. Maturita Card 22: Australia [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW: 4. PELTERET. Timesaver: Customs & Lifestyle in the English-speaking World + CD. London: Mary Glasgow Magazines (Scholastic Ltd.), 2007, ISBN
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