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SŠ-COPt Uherský Brod Ing. Hana Kubišová, Ph.D. PISTOLS

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1 SŠ-COPt Uherský Brod Ing. Hana Kubišová, Ph.D. PISTOLS
Název SŠ: SŠ-COPt Uherský Brod Autor: Ing. Hana Kubišová, Ph.D. Název prezentace (DUMu): PISTOLS Název sady: Technical English for students of study branch Technician Gunsmith 2nd, 3rd and 4th class Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07./1.5.00/ Datum vzniku: Uvedení autoři, není-li uvedeno jinak, jsou autory tohoto výukového materiálu a všech jeho částí. Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a státním rozpočtem ČR.

2 ANOTACE Záměrem této sady výukových materiálů s názvem Technical English je ukázat žákům, kteří se v této oblasti vzdělávají, jaký byl vývoj zbraní. Jednotlivé DUMy (prezentace) v této sadě popíší postupně tematické oblasti, které jsou probírány v předmětu Anglický jazyk na naší SŠ. Konkrétně tato prezentace je zaměřena na historický vývoj zbraní.


4 How to divide sights? How to share the sights by purpose? How many elements have mechanical sights got? How to divide optical sights? What is the latest update electrooptical sights? Describe a collimator sights.


6 Pistols and revolvers have got many common characteristics.
Pistols and revolvers have got only different construction. Weapons enables shooting with one hand appeared in the 16th century. Guns were used to shoot at short range.

7 In the year 1836 was created the first successful revolver.
The revolver was produced by American Samuel Colta. The revolver was constructed and created by John Pearson. Colt's revolver was a rapid-fire gun. Important prerequisite for using the revolver was used of an unified cartridge.


9 Patent of automatic pistol was acquired by German Plessner in 1872 and American Lutze in 1874 .
Browning's guns, which appeared around the 1898 year, had the new composition of mechanisms. Pistols and revolvers are used as a personal gun. Automatic pistols are short-barreled weapons. Automatic pistols have got a few powerful cartridge.

10 Unlocked systems use recoil with a dynamic breech and a fixed barrel.
Unlocked systems energy powder gases with a variable barrel and a firm breech. Halflocked systems have got a very important space between locked and unlocked systems. Halflocked systems have not got solid, perfect locks and delayed opening breech at the time of shot.

11 Locked systems use recoil with a long movement of the barrel.
The barrel and the breech are firmly connect, recoil carry it back to the full lenght recoil. Locked systems use recoil with a short movement of the barrel. The barrel and the breech firmly connected to each other with a locking mechanism to move with the recoil effect to back.

12 The barrel with a vertical reduction:
the barrel has got a cut-out, the surface has got a projection, the cut-out and the projection unite,which ensure firm connection of the breech and the barrel. The rotating barrel: the barrel has got on the surface two projection, the projection ensure connection at the moment of shot.


14 Constructions of pistols is different.
Widespread are guns with an external hammer. Constructions of revolvers is differnt. Construction of revolvers are different ways eject the cartridges. There are pistols with high capacity magazines and adjusting stock.

15 Revolvers are divided into:
single-action revolvers, double-action revolvers. Single-action revolver shooter must stretch every marriage cock. Double-action revolvers are widespread.

16 Double-action Revolver
single-action Revolver

17 Advantages of pistols :
a larger numbers of cartridges, a faster charging, a small dimension, a less sensitive to pollution, a faster shooting.

18 Advantages of revolvers :
a larger readiness to shooting, an independence of the kind of munitions, a better balance of weapon, a larger reliability during shooting, a larger safety wear.


20 When was created the first revolver ?
Who constructed and created the revolver ? When appear Browning's pistols ? Are Colt's revolver rapid-fire gun ? Describe an unlocked systems. Describe a locked systems. Describe the halflocked systems. Describe the principe of locking mechanism. Describe advantages of pistols and revolvers.


22 Pistols and revolvers have got many common characteristics.
Pistols and revolvers have got only different construction. Weapons enables shooting with one hand appeared in the 16th century. Weapons were used to shoot at short range.

23 Principles automatic pistols activities are an
unlocked systems, a halflocked systems and a locked systems. Principles of the locking mechanism are the barrel with a vertical reduction and the rotating barrel. Advantages of pistols - a larger numbers of cartridges, a faster charging, a smaller dimension, a less sensitive to pollution, a faster shooting

24 Advantages of revolvers are a larger readiness to shooting, an independence of the kind of munitions, a better balance of weapon, a larger reliability during shooting, a larger safety wear.

25 Reference-text

26 KŘÍBEK, J. Střelné zbraně I. část, 2. vyd. Brno: PC-DIR spol. s. r. o
ELMAN, J. a Michalíček, V. Česko-Anglický technický slovník, 1. vyd. Praha: Sobotáles, 2002.

27 Reference - obrázky

28 Snímek č.8 [cit ] Dostupný pod licencí Public Domain na WWW Snímek č. 13 [cit ] Dostupný pod licencí na Public Domain na WWW Snímek č. 16 [cit ] Dostupný pod licencí na Public Domain na WWW

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