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Téma hodiny: The Czech Republic – Prague II. present
Předmět: English language Ročník: střední škola Klíčová slova: Prague Jméno autora: Mgr. Soňa Šípová Škola: SŠGHS Litoměřice, Dlouhá 6 Smith-Dluhá, Gabrielle a kol. Angličtina-Otázky a odpovědi. Dubicko: INFOA
Prague II. - present days
In the middle of Bohemia on both banks of the river Vltava A market on a crossroads of trade routes near a ford over the Vltava river A seat of Czech Kings and Roman Emperors The capital since 1918 A political, cultural and economic centre of central Europe One of the most beautiful towns in the world Unique architecture – Prague historical centre put on the UNESCO world cultural heritage list Population of 1.2 million
Prague II. - present days
Not only a historical city with splendid architecture Also a modern city of population of more than a million people The seat of government, intrernational organizations and diplomatic representations Home to a wide range of public and private schools, including the famous Charles University Many foreign companies and banks Attractive cultural life – many restaurants, caffes, jazzclubs, galleries, hotels, museums Popular destination for millions of tourist from all over the world
Dancing House completed in 1996
Example of modern architecture
Disadvantages – traffic jams, shortage of parking place, the highest crime rate in the country, pollution Advantages – plenty of reasonable job opportunities, rich cultural life
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