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Means of transport: Revision test
Autor: Mgr. Helena Blechová EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/
Anglický jazyk – Vynálezy a architektura Anotace
Tematický okruh Anglický jazyk – Vynálezy a architektura Anotace DUM je určen studentům 4. ročníku STA. Studenti si zde mají možnost ověřit informace, které se naučili v předchozích DUMech. Jedná se o interaktivní cvičení. Metodický pokyn Interaktivní prezentace. Slouží jako procvičovací materiál. V návaznosti na DUMy Bv1_12 a Bv1_13 si zde studenti mají možnost procvičit slovní zásobu spjatou s dopravními prostředky. Druh materiálu prezentace Datum tvorby Číslo materiálu VY_32_INOVACE_Bv1_14 EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/
Match the inventors to their inventions:
Wright brothers Karl Benz Montgolfier brothers George Stephenson Leonardo da Vinci James Watt Josef Ressel Jan Kašpar Ferdinand von Zeppelin pioneer of Czech aviation airplane propeller steam engine unsuccessful construction of a flying machine hot-air balloon airship petrol-driven car use of steam engine at railways EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/
What were they famous for?
Josef Brožek invention of the locomotive demonstration of steam powered vehicle invention of the airplane Nicolas Otto astronaut gas-powered vehicle internal combustion engine Konstantin Tsiolkovsky first man in the space invention of the locomotive first plans for space stations Charles Lindberg first flight across the Atlantic first plans for space stations first man on the Moon EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/
Match people to dates and means of transport:
wings plane – crossing the English Channel ships - Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria spaceship – the first man in the space spaceship – the first Czech gas-powered vehicle cars - assembly lines Gottlieb Daimler Yuri Gagarin Henry Ford Ikaros Luis Bleriot Vladimir Remek Christopher Columbus 19th century – 1960s – beginning of 20th century – ancient times – 15th century EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/
Answer the following questions:
What types of transport can you name? Which do you use every day? What are advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane/coach/train/car…? What do you have to do when you travel by plane? What do you have to do if you have your own vehicle? What are advantages and disadvantages of public transport? What is the public transport like in your town/city/village? EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/
Použité zdroje: Archiv autorky a obrázky z galerie Microsoft Office 2007.
EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/
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