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Prezentace na téma: "DIGITÁLNÍ UČEBNÍ MATERIÁL"— Transkript prezentace:

Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Název projektu DUM Škola budoucnosti s využitím IT VY_3_INOVACE_ANJ50 Název školy SPŠ a SOŠGS Most Předmět ANJ Tematická oblast Obchod a služby Téma Žádost o zaměstnání Ročník 2, 3 - obchodník Jméno autora Ludmila Křížová Datum tvorby Anotace Prezentace slouží k výkladu tématu žádost o zaměstnání a její náležitosti , zároveň lze tuto prezentaci využít jako materiálu pro opakování a prověřování znalostí žáků.

2 Application for a job Essentials

3 How to write application for a job?
Write your address on the left side up. Write the date two lines below your address on the left side. Write the address of the company, which you are applying for, two lines below the date – again on the left side.

4 How to write application for a job?
Write the salutation two lines below the company's address: Dear Mr. Novak If you don't know the name, who you are writting to, you can start your letter with "Dear Sir/Madam“. Begin the body of your letter two lines below the salutation.

5 How to write application for a job?
The application form requests clear information about things such as applicant´s age, education, qualification and work experience. References are sometimes required. You should explain why you are applying and send it in with your curriculum vitae.

6 How to write application for a job?
End your letter two lines below the body, still on the left side, with phrases like "Sincerely yours," "Respectfully yours," or " Truly yours“ Leave four blank lines and sign your name with a pen.

7 Answer the guestions! Can you explain how to write the application for a job? When do we write it? Where do you write the date? Where do you write the address of the company, which you are applying for? What about the greetings? What does the application for a job consist? How do you end the letter?

8 Fill in this application for a job by your details:
Dear Sir, I have seen your advertisment in the„……… “ and I would like to apply for the position like………….. I am currently employed as a……………..in a…………… I am…….years old and………..I was educated at……………………in………… I would be interested in working for your company for two reasons. Firstly, I would like to………………., and secondly……………………….. I ………………………to hearing from you. Yours……………….. ………………………….

9 Zdroje: How to write a simple Application Cover Letter (on-line)c Demand Media Inc.(cit ). Dostupné z El-Hmoudová, Dagmar. Angličtina-maturitní témata .2.,upr.vyd. Třebíč: Petra Velanová, 2008, ISBN


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