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Pozdravy a oslovení Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Hana Matuszková. Dostupné z Metodického portálu ISSN: , financovaného z ESF a státního rozpočtu ČR. Provozováno Výzkumným ústavem pedagogickým v Praze.
kliknutím „ručičkou“ zvol správný anglický překlad české fráze v dolní části snímku
na další frázi přejdi kliknutím šipkou na snímku
Hi there. Good morning. Good afternoon. Sorry. Good evening. Hello.
Excuse me. Dobrý den (ráno).
Hi there. Good morning. Good afternoon. Sorry. Good evening. Hello.
Excuse me. Dobrý den (odpoledne).
Hi there. Good morning. Good afternoon. Sorry. Good evening. Hello.
Excuse me. Dobrý večer.
Hi there. Good morning. Good afternoon. Sorry. Good evening. Hello.
Excuse me. Ahoj. (setkání)
Hi there. Good morning. Good afternoon. Sorry. Good evening. Hello.
Excuse me. Nazdar.
Hi there. Good morning. Good afternoon. Sorry. Good evening. Hello.
Excuse me. Ahoj všichni.
Hi there. Good morning. Good afternoon. Sorry. Good evening. Hello.
Excuse me. Dovolte / Promiňte, prosím.
Hi there. Good morning. Good afternoon. Sorry. Good evening. Hello.
Excuse me. Pardon.
Hi there. Good morning. Good afternoon. Sorry. Good evening. Hello.
Ahoj všichni. Good morning. Dobrý den (ráno). Good afternoon. Dobrý den (odpoledne). Sorry. Good evening. Pardon. Dobrý večer. Hello. Hi. Ahoj. (setkání) Excuse me. Ahoj. Dovolte / Promiňte, prosím.
Good night. See you (later). Good-bye. Bye. / Cheerio. Take care.
See you tomorrow. Dobrou noc.
Good night. See you (later). Good-bye. Bye. / Cheerio. Take care.
See you tomorrow. Ahoj zítra.
Good night. See you (later). Good-bye. Bye. / Cheerio. Take care.
See you tomorrow. Dávej na sebe pozor.
Good night. See you (later). Good-bye. Bye. / Cheerio. Take care.
See you tomorrow. Sbohem.
Good night. See you (later). Good-bye. Bye. / Cheerio. Take care.
See you tomorrow. Ahoj. (rozloučení)
Good night. See you (later). Good-bye. Bye. / Cheerio. Take care.
See you tomorrow. Nashledanou.
Good night. See you (later). Good-bye. Bye. / Cheerio. Take care.
Dobrou noc. See you (later). Nashledanou. Good-bye. Sbohem. Bye. / Cheerio. Ahoj. (rozloučení) Take care. Dávej na sebe pozor. See you tomorrow. Ahoj zítra.
What have you been up to recently?
How are you? And what about you? How are things? / How are you doing? Jak se máš?
What have you been up to recently?
How are you? And what about you? How are things? / How are you doing? Co pořád děláš?
What have you been up to recently?
How are you? And what about you? How are things? / How are you doing? Jak se vede?
What have you been up to recently?
How are you? And what about you? How are things? / How are you doing? A co ty?
What have you been up to recently?
Co pořád děláš? How are you? Jak se máš? And what about you? A co ty? How are things? / How are you doing? Jak se vede?
I haven't seen you for ages.
I'm pleased to meet you. I'm very well, thank you. I don't feel well today. Not too bad. And you? I'm fine, thanks. I'm glad to see you. Everything's all right. I haven't seen you for ages. Dnes se necítím dobře.
I haven't seen you for ages.
I'm pleased to meet you. I'm very well, thank you. I don't feel well today. Not too bad. And you? I'm fine, thanks. I'm glad to see you. Everything's all right. I haven't seen you for ages. Neviděl jsem tě věky.
I haven't seen you for ages.
I'm pleased to meet you. I'm very well, thank you. I don't feel well today. Not too bad. And you? I'm fine, thanks. I'm glad to see you. Everything's all right. I haven't seen you for ages. Všechno je v pořádku.
I haven't seen you for ages.
I'm pleased to meet you. I'm very well, thank you. I don't feel well today. Not too bad. And you? I'm fine, thanks. I'm glad to see you. Everything's all right. I haven't seen you for ages. Jsem rád, že tě potkávám.
I haven't seen you for ages.
I'm pleased to meet you. I'm very well, thank you. I don't feel well today. Not too bad. And you? I'm fine, thanks. I'm glad to see you. Everything's all right. I haven't seen you for ages. Dobře, díky.
I haven't seen you for ages.
I'm pleased to meet you. I'm very well, thank you. I don't feel well today. Not too bad. And you? I'm fine, thanks. I'm glad to see you. Everything's all right. I haven't seen you for ages. Není to špatné. A ty?
I haven't seen you for ages.
I'm pleased to meet you. I'm very well, thank you. I don't feel well today. Not too bad. And you? I'm fine, thanks. I'm glad to see you. Everything's all right. I haven't seen you for ages. Rád tě vidím.
I haven't seen you for ages.
I'm pleased to meet you. I'm very well, thank you. I don't feel well today. Not too bad. And you? I'm fine, thanks. I'm glad to see you. Everything's all right. I haven't seen you for ages. Děkuji, velmi dobře.
I haven't seen you for ages.
I'm pleased to meet you. Jsem rád, že tě potkávám. I'm very well, thank you. Děkuji, velmi dobře. I don't feel well today. Dnes se necítím dobře. Not too bad. And you? Není to špatné. A ty? I'm fine, thanks. Dobře, díky. I'm glad to see you. Rád tě vidím. Everything's all right. Všechno je v pořádku. I haven't seen you for ages. Neviděl jsem tě věky.
Sir! Mrs King! Dear friends! Miss King! Mr King! Ladies and gentlemen!
Madam! Paní Kingová!
Sir! Mrs King! Dear friends! Miss King! Mr King! Ladies and gentlemen!
Madam! Slečno! / Paní!
Sir! Mrs King! Dear friends! Miss King! Mr King! Ladies and gentlemen!
Madam! Vážení přátelé!
Sir! Mrs King! Dear friends. Miss King! Mr King! Ladies and gentlemen!
Madam! Pane Kingu!
Sir! Mrs King! Dear friends. Miss King! Mr King! Ladies and gentlemen!
Madam! Dámy a pánové!
Sir! Mrs King! Dear friends. Miss King! Mr King! Ladies and gentlemen!
Madam! Pane!
Sir! Mrs King! Dear friends. Miss King! Mr King! Ladies and gentlemen!
Madam! Slečno Kingová!
Sir! Mrs King! Dear friends. Miss King! Mr King! Ladies and gentlemen!
Pane! Mrs King! Paní Kingová! Dear friends. Vážení přátelé! Miss King! Slečno Kingová! Mr King! Pane Kingu! Ladies and gentlemen! Dámy a pánové! Madam! Slečno! / Paní!
Zdroje: OCAL. Handshake Freshwater Pearl Bracelet clip art online. cit . Dostupný pod licencí Public domain na WWW: Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Hana Matuszková. Dostupné z Metodického portálu ISSN: , financovaného z ESF a státního rozpočtu ČR. Provozováno Výzkumným ústavem pedagogickým v Praze.
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