AUTOR: Lenka Hrnčířová

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1 AUTOR: Lenka Hrnčířová
ZŠ Týnec nad Labem AUTOR: Lenka Hrnčířová VY_32_INOVACE_12_Anglický jazyk 6.ročník_My country – the UK Téma: My country – the UK CZ.1.07/1.4.00/

2 Anotace Anglický jazyk, 6. ročník, My country – the UK Prezentace k výkladu Oficiální jméno, poloha 4 země v UK Hl. město – Londýn Skotsko Jezero Loch Ness Peníze v UK Křížovka – k procvičení Pomůcky: fixy na interaktivní tabuli

3 My country - the UK The official name of the UK is the United States of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is situated in western Europe on the British Isles. The British flag

4 There are 4 countries in the UK:
England the capital London Scotland the capital Edinburgh Wales the capital Cardiff Northern Ireland the capital Belfast

5 About 58 million people live there.
The Republic of Ireland isn´t part of the UK. The capital of the UK is London. About 8 million people live in London. The River Thames is in London.

6 England is the biggest part of the UK.
Western part of the UK is wetter, because it is nearer the Atlantic Ocean. Scotland is the coldest part of the UK. There are a lot of mountains and hills there. There is the highest mount of the UK - Ben Nevis.

7 There is a very famous lake - Loch Ness.
The lake is very deep. People think that a monster lives in the lake. The British money – pounds.

8 The head of the UK is British Queen – Elizabeth II.
She lives in London in Buckingham Palace.

9 Solve the crossword 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

10 The highest mountain in the UK
Name one of four counties of the UK is Northern …… 3) The capital of Scotland 4) The ocean near the UK 5) The river in London 6) The queen of the UK now 7) The capital of the UK

11 Could you solve it? The solution is Britain

12 All solving of the crossword
B E N N E V I S 1 I R E L A N D 2 3 E D I N B U R G H A T L A N T I C 4 H A M E S T 5 E Z A B E T H 6 L I 7 L O N D O N

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