Výukový materiál VY_22_INOVACE_30_ Numbers and shapes. Extension

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1 Výukový materiál VY_22_INOVACE_30_ Numbers and shapes. Extension
Základní škola Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj Třemošnice, Internátní 217; IČ: , tel: 469 661 719, emaiI: Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/ Název: Škola pro každého – kvalita a efektivnost ve využití lidských zdrojů Výukový materiál VY_22_INOVACE_30_ Numbers and shapes. Extension Název materiálu (téma): Numbers and shapes. Extension Sada:Angličtina,2. stupeň Autor: Mgr. Alena Chaloupková Anotace: Numbers and shapes. Extension (práce s interaktivní tabulí, pracovní list) © Výukový materiál je majetkem ZŠ Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj, 2012

2 Numbers and shapes. Extension.
Teacher: Mgr. Alena Chaloupková Class: Date : March 2013 Subject: English Topic: Numbers and shapes. Vocabulary and spelling. Key words: Odd numbers, even numbers, prime numbers, decimal fraction, figures, two - dimensional shapes, three-dimensional shapes, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. Type of interactivity: Interactive board and worksheets. This exercise can be used for explanation and extended learning of numbers and shapes. It is important for pupils to be able to talk about figures with the aim to get communication competence in branch of science or technology.

3 Part 1. Exercise 1. Are you numerate
Part 1. Exercise 1. Are you numerate? Notice the following expressions and remember. Can you find out the Czech expressions for all words said in English? Write your findings into the third column. 1 English expression 2 Example 3 Czech expression odd numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 even numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 the first prime numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 decimal fraction 12.5 (twelve point five) vulgar fraction 4/5 (four fifths) two - dimensional shapes square, triangle, circle three - dimensional shapes sphere, cube, cylinder

4 Part 1 – Key. 1 English expression 2 Example 3 Czech expression
odd numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 lichá čísla even numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 sudá čísla the first prime numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 prvočísla decimal fraction 12.5 (twelve point five) desetinné číslo vulgar fraction 4/5 (four fifths) jednoduchý zlomek two - dimensional shapes square, triangle, circle dvourozměrné tvary three - dimensional shapes sphere, cube, cylinder třírozměrné tvary

5 Part 2. Notice how the following two-dimensional or three-dimensional shapes are said in English.
square triangle rectangle trapezoid pentagon circle 5 6 4 9 cube 8 right-angled triangle 7 oval cylinder 10

6 Exercise 2. Label the two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes.

7 Exercise 2. Key. A right-angled triangle B trapezoid C circle D square
oval F rectangle G cube H pentagon I cylinder J triangle

8 Part 3. Notice how the following are said in English and remember
Part 3. Notice how the following are said in English and remember. Find out the Czech expressions and complete the table below. = equals / is + addition 7 + 3 = 10 seven plus/and three equals/is ten _ subtraction 7 – 4 = 3 seven minus four equals/is three x multiplication 6 x 5 = 30 six times /multiplied by five equals/is thirty : division 10 : 2 = 5 ten divided by two equals/is five

9 Exercise 3. Label the type of the following processes A (x), B(-), C(:) , D (+). Read and solve the arithmetical problems. A 23 x 13 = 25 x 9 = B 345 – 94 = 75 – 40 = C 84 : 4 = 60 : 12 = D = =

10 Exercise 3. Key. A multiplication 23 x 13 = 299
23 times/multiplied13 is/equals 299 25 x 9 = 225 25 multiplied/times 9 is/equals 225 B subtraction 345 – 94 = 251 345 minus 94 is/equals 251 75 – 40 = 35 75 minus 40 is /equals 35 C division 84 : 4 = 21 84 divided 4 is /equals 21 60 : 12 = 5 60 divided 12 is equals 5 D addition = 197 125 plus/and 72 is/equals 197 = 69 43 plus/and 26 is /equals 69

11 Literature: Stuart Redman: English Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge university Press 2001, ISBN

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