Obchodní akademie, Střední odborná škola a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky, Hradec Králové Autor: Shane Paul Hertnon Název materiálu:

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Prezentace na téma: "Obchodní akademie, Střední odborná škola a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky, Hradec Králové Autor: Shane Paul Hertnon Název materiálu:"— Transkript prezentace:

1 Obchodní akademie, Střední odborná škola a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky, Hradec Králové Autor: Shane Paul Hertnon Název materiálu: VY_32_INOVACE_4_ANGLICKY_JAZYK_KOMUNIKACNI_SITUACE_13 Počasí, klima, popis přírody, roční období Název sady: ANJ — Komunikační situace Ročník, obor: 2. ročník, ekonomické lyceum Datum vytvoření: listopad 2013 Anotace: Metodický obsah: Procvičování slovní zásoby tématu, popis obrázků a diskuse

2 Weather Useful words in alphabetical order:
English speakers love to talk about the weather. It is a way of breaking the ice(starting a conversation). People talk about the weather on the phone and in person. Friends and family talk about the weather before they discuss what's new. Co-workers talk about the weather before starting a hard day of work. Even strangers discuss the weather. Learn the proper vocabulary and expressions, and you will find it easy to start a conversation anytime and anywhere with anyone you meet! Useful words in alphabetical order: Below freezing : It`s supposed to go below freezing this weekend. Blizzard : The airplane couldn`t take off because of the blizzard. Boiling hot : It was boiling hot in August.

3 Breeze : There is always a breeze near the ocean.
Chilly : It`s a bit chilly today, you better wear a sweater. Cloudy: It may look cloudy, but the sun will come out later on. Degrees:It`s about minus 10 degrees tonight. Drizzling: You don`t need a raincoat. It`s only drizzling now. Fog/Foggy:We couldn`t see the bridge because it was too foggy. Forecast: According to the forcast,it will be very windy tomorrow. Freezing Cold: It was freezing cold last night. Hail: Hail destroyed my car. Heat-Wave: During the hear-wave we cooled our beds with ice packs. Humid/Humidity: It was very humid in the last two days.

4 Icy: The roads are icy so please be careful.
Overcast: The sky is overcast this morning. Partly Cloudy: Tomorrow`s forecast is partly cloudy with a light drizzle. Rain/Rainy/Raining: It´s been rainy all day. Raining cats and dogs: It`s no fun walking around when it`s raining cats and dogs. Snow/snowy/snowing: We are expecting snow in the next 2 days. Sunburn: I got an awful sunburn on my back. Suntan/Tanned: You look so tanned. Have u been on holiday?

5 Read the weather forecast and speak about the weather in your country using the words from previous slide: In the north of the country it will be cold and rainy. The rain may move to the east. In the central part it will be mostly cloudy. It will be dry but the day will be dull. In the south it is sunny or partly cloudy, a bright clear day with sunshine. It may be windy later.

6 Describe these Pictures
Describe these pictures and tell us how the different seasons make you feel. 1. Describe these Pictures

7 2.

8 Answers these Questions
How would you describe the seasons in your country? What's your favorite season and why? Are there any special traditions associated with different seasons in your country? Have you ever been caught in bad weather? If so, what did you do? What crops are produced in which seasons in your country? Do you think weather patterns are changing? If so, why do you think this is? Do you have many disasters in you country which are caused by weather? Do you know any interesting myths or stories about weather? Which do you like better hot weather or cold weather? Do you have snow in your country? Answers these Questions

9 Autorská práva a citace
Název díla: Počasí Datum vzniku: „Dílo smí být šířeno pod licencí CC BY-SA. Materiály jsou určeny pro bezplatné používání pro potřeby výuky a vzdělávání na všech typech škol a školských zařízení. Jakékoliv další využití podléhá autorskému zákonu. Všechna necitovaná autorská díla jsou dílem autora. Všechny neocitované kliparty a další grafické objekty jsou součástí prostředků výukového SW Smart Notebook a MS Office.“

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