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Prezentace na téma: "DIGITÁLNÍ UČEBNÍ MATERIÁL"— Transkript prezentace:

Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Název školy Gymnázium Česká a Olympijských nadějí, České Budějovice, Česká 64 Název materiálu VY_32_INOVACE_AJ_3_FIG_01_STATES Autor Mgr. Pavla Figurová Tematický okruh Countries – maturitní okruh Ročník 3 Datum tvorby Anotace Křížovka se slovní zásobou z maturitního okruhu Countries – země. Procvičení již probrané slovní zásoby spolu s doplňujícími otázkami. Metodický pokyn Prezentace je určena jako výklad do hodiny. Možnosti využití: promítání, práce jednotlivců nebo dvojic u PC. Pokud není uvedeno jinak, použitý materiál je z vlastních zdrojů autora


3 It is a country in Western Europe.
It’s famous for its wine and cheese.

4 It is the world`s fifth largest country.
It’s official language is Portuguese.

5 A country in the north of Europe.
B Z I L A country in the north of Europe. It borders Russia, Finland and Sweden.

6 The capital and the biggest city is Sofia.
R A N C E B Z I L O W Y The capital and the biggest city is Sofia.

7 It is north of the Balkan Peninsula, on the Lower Danube River.
C E B Z I L O W Y U G It is north of the Balkan Peninsula, on the Lower Danube River. Part of it is circled by the Carpathian Mountains.

8 It is a small country in Western Europe known for its neutrality.
B Z I L O W Y U G M It is a small country in Western Europe known for its neutrality.

9 It is an island country in the North Atlantic,
F R A N C E B Z I L O W Y U G M S T D It is an island country in the North Atlantic, between Greenland and Norway.

10 What do you know about Finland?
R A N C E B Z I L O W Y U G M S T D What do you know about Finland?

11 Tell your partner about the EU countries you have visited and you`d like to visit one day. Use the map.

Are you afraid of going abroad alone? Could you live in another country for the rest of your life? What was your best trip. What was your worst trip. Have you ever gotten lost while travelling? Have you ever hitchhiked? Have you ever taken a package tour?

13 Zdroje: GEOTOOLS. wikimedia [online]. [cit ]. Dostupný na WWW:


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