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VY_32_Inovace_14.3.19 Conjunctions Project 3
Název školy: ZÁKLADNÍ ŠKOLA SADSKÁ Autor: Mgr. Věra Tománková Název DUM: VY_32_Inovace_ Conjunctions Název sady: Project 3 Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/ Anotace: Materiál je určen pro žáky 8. ročníku. Slouží k procvičení učiva o běžných anglických spojkách a jejich použití ve větách. Prezentace je vhodná pro práci s interaktivní tabulí nebo dataprojektorem.
Conjunctions Do you know what does this word mean?
If you are not sure or if you don´t know, take the dictionary and look it up.
Can you name some English conjunctions?
spojky Can you name some English conjunctions?
Conjunctions so and but because or
Conjunctions We use these words to join two sentences.
They make one longer sentence from two shorter sentences.
The car stopped and the driver got out.
Conjunctions The car stopped. The driver got out. The car stopped and the driver got out.
We stayed at home and watched TV.
Conjunctions It´s not necessary to repeat we. We stayed at home. We watched TV. We stayed at home and watched TV.
My sister is married and lives in London.
Conjunctions It´s not necessary to repeat she. My sister is married. She lives in London. My sister is married and lives in London.
I bought a newspaper but I didn´t read it.
Join the sentences I bought a newspaper. I didn´t read it. I bought a newspaper but I didn´t read it.
I went to the window and I looked out.
Join the sentences I went to the window. I looked out. I went to the window and I looked out.
They didn´t play tennis because it was raining.
Join the sentences They didn´t play tennis. It was raining. They didn´t play tennis because it was raining.
I wanted to phone you but I didn´t have your number.
Join the sentences I wanted to phone you. I didn´t have your number. I wanted to phone you but I didn´t have your number.
They went to the museum but it was closed.
Join the sentences They went to the museum. It was closed. They went to the museum but it was closed.
I usually drive to work but I went by bus this morning.
Join the sentences I usually drive to work. I went by bus this morning. I usually drive to work but I went by bus this morning.
It was very hot so he opened the window.
Join the sentences It was very hot. He opened the window. It was very hot so he opened the window.
Do you want me to come with you or shall I wait here?
Join the sentences Do you want me to come with you? Shall I wait here? Do you want me to come with you or shall I wait here?
Lisa is hungry because she did´t have breakfast.
Join the sentences Lisa is hungry. She didn´t have breakfast. Lisa is hungry because she did´t have breakfast.
I jumped into the river and I swam to the other side.
Join the sentences I jumped into the river. I swam to the other side. I jumped into the river and I swam to the other side.
Do you want to go out or are you too tired?
Join the sentences Do you want to go out? Are you too tired? Do you want to go out or are you too tired?
They like films so they often go to the cinema.
Join the sentences They like films. They often go to the cinema. They like films so they often go to the cinema.
Použité zdroje MURPHY, Raymond. Essential Grammar In Use. 2. vyd. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN Zdroj obrázků: galerie Klipart
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