Téma hodiny: The Czech Republic - Geography Předmět: English language

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1 Téma hodiny: The Czech Republic - Geography Předmět: English language
Ročník: střední škola Klíčová slova: Geography Jméno autora: Mgr. Soňa Šípová Škola: SŠGHS Litoměřice, Dlouhá 6 Smith-Dluhá, Gabrielle a kol. Angličtina-Otázky a odpovědi. Dubicko: INFOA

2 Geography of the CR Situated in central Europe Is an inland state with moderate climate It is a country with nice nature, rich culture and history A popular destination for tourists


4 Surrounded by mostly low mountains
The highest point in the country is Sněžka at 1602m Moravia, the eastern part of the country is also hilly Water from the landlocked CR flows to rhree different seas: the North Sea, Baltic Sea and Black Sea

5 Sněžka 1602m

6 Satellite image of the CR

7 Bohemia Historical regions Czech Silesia Moravia

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