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2 Introduction One of three parts of Czech Republic – Moravia, Bohemia, Silesia The name is derived from river Morava Moravia is located on the east side of Czech Republic devided into three regions and four others partially habitants Major city : Brno Area : km

3 Geography Hilly areas, highlands – Českomoravská, Drahanská
Mountains(not so high) – Jeseníky(the highest peak of Moravia – Praděd, m), Bílé Karpaty, Beskydy Rivers – Moravia, Bečva, Dyje, Odra, Svratka, Svitava Lowlands and basins – Hornomoravský, Dolnomoravský, Dyjsko-svratecký Ethnographics regions – Valašsko, Slovácko, Haná, Lašsko Important cities – Brno, Olomouc, Jihlava, Zlín, Znojmo, Přerov

4 History 6th century – two Slavic tribes, Holasics and Moravians
7th century – part of Sámo‘s empire 863 – arrival of Constantin and Metoděj, dissemination of Christianity 955 – Prince Boleslav I. 1003 – conquered by Poland 1348 – Charles IV. established Moravia as Czech king‘s feud 1714 – territorial reform, Moravia devided in 6 regions 1850 – province of Austrian Empire 1918 – part of Czechoslovakia 1939 – protectorate 1993 – part of Czech Republic

5 Attributes Vine, Slivovice Dialect Animosity with Prague people
Hospitality, kindness Agriculture Calm, people are not so busy

6 Beauty of Moravia


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