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Gymnázium a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky Zlín
If-clauses. Health. Tematická oblast Slovní zásoba a gramatika Datum vytvoření Ročník 2.-4. ročník, sexta-oktáva Stručný obsah Opakování a procvičování slovní zásoby zaměřené na téma zdraví a gramatiky učebnice Maturita Solutions, 4. lekce Způsob využití Materiál je možno využít pro opakování nulového, 1. a 2. kondicionálu – výklad + cvičení (písemně, ústně) Autor Mgr. Dana Mynářová Kód VY_32_INOVACE_04_AMYN15 Gymnázium a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky Zlín
We use Zero conditional - to tak about a result which follows an action If you have a headache, the doctor prescribes you some painkillers. (present simple is used both in the if- clause and the result clause)
First Conditional to predict a result of a future action If you don´t stop eating so much, you´ll ge fat. If he´s sleepy during the day, he might not sleep at night. (present simple in the if-clause, will/might in the result clause)
Second Conditional to talk about unreal situations in the present or future I would go to the doctor´s, if my cold got worse. If I were you, I would see a specialist. (past simple in the if clause, would + base form in the result clause)
Complete the text with the correct form of verb in the brackets:
More and more people ………(try) alternative medicine if conventional medicine ……(not help). If your blood pressure ….(be) high, you … (have) a stroke. If you ……… (recognise) any warning signs, ……. (not let) the problems get any worse. If he ……… (not floss), he ………(get) gum disease.
Answer key More and more people try alternative medicine if conventional medicine doesn´t help. If your blood pressure is high, you might have a stroke. If you recognise any warning signs, don´t let the problems get any worse. If he doesn´t floss, he might get gum disease.
Work in pairs or groups. Discuss what happens, will or would happen if….
Write down sentences (affirmative or interrogative) connected with health about what happens, will or would happen if…. Work in pairs or groups. Discuss your ideas and express your agreement or disagreement. e.g. What would you do if you injured yourself?
Zdroje Archiv autorky Poděkování: M. + M. Polasek, Wasaga Beach, Canada
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