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Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Suková
Business Jobs Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Suková EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/
Obchodní angličtina – Zaměstnání se zaměřením na obchod Anotace
Tematický okruh Obchodní angličtina – Zaměstnání se zaměřením na obchod Anotace DUM je určen studentům 3. ročníku EL a OA. Studenti se v něm zábavnou formou seznamují s typy zaměstnání, které můžeme nalézt v obchodní sféře. Metodický pokyn Tento DUM je především prezentací slovní zásoby vztahující se k zaměstnání s důrazem na obchodní činnost. Studenti však mají možnost spolupracovat a doplňovat důležité informace. Druh materiálu prezentace Datum tvorby Číslo materiálu VY_32_INOVACE_Su2_16 EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/
How can jobs be divided? indoor According to a place: outdoor
blue-collar According to education needed for the position: white-collar According to working hours: part-time full-time temporary flexi-time 9 to 5 EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/
Technical Support Consultant IT Consultant
Trainer Receptionist Regional Manager Secretary Assistant Manager Human Resources (HR) Sales Representative Technical Support Consultant IT Consultant Accountant Chairman Personal Assistant (PA) Girl Friday Managing Director (MD) Manager EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/
What kind of work do the people do?
Accountant controls the company finances Regional Manager is responsible for the copany in Brighton IT Consultant solves IT problems Sales Representative visits clients around the country Assistant Manager helps the manager Chairman presides the company board meetings Girl Friday sends mail, fills in forms, serves coffee Human Resources Manager looks for and accepts new employees EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/
Technical Support Consultant
Manager is responsible for the company Managing Director controls if the company is run effectively Personal Assistant does secretatial and administrative duties for a manager Receptionist welcomes people, makes appointments Secretary types letters, arranges meetings Trainer educates employees in courses Technical Support Consultant helps customers who have problems with the company products EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/
Guess jobs 1. Find a job for each phrase:
someone who presides the company board meetings Chairman someone who sends mail, serves coffee… Girl Friday someone who does administrative duties for a manager Personal Assistant someone who looks for new employees HR Manager someone who visits clients around the country Sales Representative someone who helps to clients who complain about sth. Technical Support Consultant someone who controls if the company is run well Managing Director EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/
2. Which jobs are hidden behind the capital letters
2. Which jobs are hidden behind the capital letters? What are the people in those positions responsible for? RM IT c. Acc. AM Rcp. M Tr. Sc. Secretary IT Consultant Manager Regional Manager Assistant Manager Accountant Receptionist Trainer EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/
Použité zdroje: Obrázky z galerie Microsoft Office.
EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/
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