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NÁZEV ŠKOLY: ZŠ a MŠ Osoblaha, příspěvková organizace
AUTOR: Mgr. Miroslava Jarkulišová NÁZEV: VY_32_INOVACE_08_ Jazyk anglický TEMA: Animals - My pets ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.4.09/ Animals - My pets
Datum vytvoření projektu
březen 2012 Ročník 5. Popis prezentace Zopakování a procvičení slovní zásoby tématu – Animals – My pet - spojení obrázků se slovy, užití v reálné situaci – describe your pet – tázací slova – Where, What
Do you know these animals ?
Farm animals a cat a horse a sheep a pig a dog a duck
Do you know these animals ?
Farm animals a mouse a cow a goat a goose a chicken a han a rabbit
What animals do you know ?
a cow a cat a mouse a horse a goose a han sheep a pig a goat a rabbit a chicken a dog a duck
Wild animals - remember
An elephant A hippo(potamus ) A tiger A giraffe A rhino(ceros) A dolphin A bear A lion A kangaroo A kangaroo A zebra A camel A monkey
What pets have you got at home ?
A tortoise A dog (a puppy) A hamster A cat (a kitten) A snake A parrot A guinea pig A rabbit A fish
Pets Match the picture with the word A cat A kangaroo A guinea pig
3. 2. 1. A cat A kangaroo A guinea pig A tortoise A hamster A dog A snake A parrot (a bird) (a) fish A rabbit 6. 4. 5. 9. 8. 10. 7.
My pet – can you describe your pet ?
Do you like pets (animals) ? Yes. I like animals. Do you have a pet at home ? Where do you keep him/her/it ? I keep him/her/it ……………….. Where does your pet live ? He/she/it lives in ……………………. What does your pet like to eat ? He/She/it likes …………………….. What can your pet do ? He/She/it can…………………….. Yes, I have (a pet at home). No, I haven´ t. In a tank, in a cage, in a basket, in a kennel, in a box, in water Milk, bones, insects, seeds, vegetables, fish, fruit, Jump, see in the dark, run, repeat words, bite people, swim
My pet – can you describe your pet ?
Describe his/her/its body Choose from these words and add the new ones Small, big, long, short, slow, fast, strong, hard, soft, colours, Head, legs, eyes, ears, tail, scales, wings, shell, fur, body
Describe the pet. What are the missing words ?
A cat A cat sleeps in a …………………………… It has got a ……………………. tail. It has got green ……………………………….. It can see in the ………………………….. . It likes …………………………………………. Its baby is ………… basket long eyes dark milk and fish kitten
Guess – What pet is it ? A …DOG… has got four legs and a tail.
It is white, brown grey or black. It lives in a kennel. It likes meat and bones. A puppy is its baby.
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