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Prezentace na téma: "BEST WISHES."— Transkript prezentace:


2 Read, translate and write e-mail addresses.
From: Amy To: Sarah Date: Tuesday 15th May Subject: Party From: Sarah <______________> To: Amy <________________> Date: Wednesday 16th May Subject: RE: Party

3 Read and translate an e-mail from Amy.
Hi Sarah, I`m fine. Thank you for your . Wow! You`ve got birthday on Saturday. Yes, I can come to your party. I can come on Friday the 25th of May. I can`t come on Saturday because I stay at my Grandma`s house every weekend. Well, happy birthday, Sarah, from your friend Amy. Please, write soon about the party! Love, Amy

4 Write the e-mail from Amy.
Hi ______, I`m _____. Thank you ___ your _______. Wow! You`ve got _________ on Saturday. Yes, I can _____ to your party. I can come __ Friday the 25th __ May. I can`t come on ________ because I stay __ my Grandma`s ______ every ________. Well, ______ birthday, Sarah, from your _______ Amy. Please, ______ soon about the party! Love, ____

5 ____________________________________________________________
Best wishes ecard. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ____________________________________________________________

6 Write a postcard.

7 [cit ]. Všechny obrázky pocházejí z klipartu Microsoft Office PowerPoint Licence ve vlastnictví ZŠ a MŠ Rokytnice – product ID – dort, pohlednice, blahopřání

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