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The Political system of the USA and the UK
Střední škola sociální PERSPEKTIVA a Vyšší odborná škola, s.r.o.
Název školy: Střední škola sociální PERSPEKTIVA a Vyšší odborná škola, s.r.o. Adresa: Mírová 218/6 Dubí III - Pozorka Název projektu KLÍČE K POZNÁVÁNÍ Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Šablona: II/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky cizích jazyků na středních školách Název a číslo materiálu: VY_32_INOVACE _AJ4A_31 Vytvořeno: Autor: Mgr. Jaroslava Jelínková Vyučovací předmět: Anglický jazyk Ročník: III. Výsledky vzdělávání dle RVP: Žák dovede klást účelné otázky, umí sdělit potřebné informace a vhodně reaguje. Dovede používat vhodné gramatické vazby. Typ interakce: kombinovaná Druh výukového zdroje: PP prezentace Klíčová slova: The USA, the UK, Anotace: Didaktický učební materiál je určen pro žáky maturitních oborů SOŠ. Obsahuje základní údaje o USA a VB.
The united states of america
is situated in the North America boders with Canada in the North and Mexico in the south lies on the eastern coast of Atlantic Ocean and on the western coast of Pacific Ocean
Basic information How many states are there?
50 states and a federal district How many people live in the CR? About 315 million (population) What is the capital of the CR? Washington, D.C.
When was it established?
July 4, 1776 (The Independence day) Who is the head of state? The president What currency do they have? American dollar
Political system It is federation of republics
There are three levels of governement: federal, state, and local. The federal government is composed of three branches: - legislative (the Senate, the House of Representatives), - executive (the president ), - judical (the Supreme court)
The united kingdom Is located off the north-western coast of continental Europe. The UK is surrounded by the Atalantic Ocean in the west and north, the North Sea in the east, the English Chanell in the south and the Irish Sea in the west.
Basic information How many states are there?
It includes the island of Great Britain (England, Scotland, Wales) and Northern Ireland which shares a border with the Republic of Ireland. How many people live in the CR? About 63 million (population) What is the capital? London
Who is the head of state? The Queen – Elizabeth II What currency do they have? Pound sterling It is a member of UN, the EU,a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the G7, NATO, OECD (the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
Political system of the UK
It´s a parliamentary government The parliament of the United Kingdom has two houses; House of Commons (elected) and House of Lords (appointed) The head of government – the prime minister
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