GE - Vyšší kvalita výuky

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1 GE - Vyšší kvalita výuky
Gymnázium, Brno, Elgartova 3 GE - Vyšší kvalita výuky CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Téma: English Grammar

2 Autor: Mgr. Bronislav Sobotka Název: Going to – for expressing future
Datum: Cílová skupina: Žáci střední školy Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Jazyk: Angličtina

3 Anotace: Metodické pokyny:
Pracovní list slouží k vysvětlení (zopakování) použití tvaru (I am) Going to (do something) k vyjádření budoucnosti, jeho procvičení a upevnění správného užití. Metodické pokyny: Nejprve jsou žáci seznámeni s typickým užitím tohoto tvaru a jeho gramatickou strukturou, poté mají příležitost doplnit ho do vět, v další fázi si užití upevní za pomoci překladu, na konec je zařazena hra.

4 Going to for expressing future – Usage 1
We use (I am) going to (do something) when we want to say that we have already decided to do someting before the time of speaking. In other words it is our plan, we intend to do it. (Hodlám). past present future decision I am going to study English all weekend. She is going to be a doctor.

5 Going to for expressing future – Usage 2
We use (it is) going to (do) when we are predicting future. We can see a proof now of what is going to happen in the future. past present future Look at her belly! She is going to have a baby! Look at the sky. It is going to snow soon. He is going to fall down! He is going backwards and behind him is a big hole.

6 Going to for expressing future - Examples
What are you going to do tonight? I am going to study for the English test. Look at that car. It is going to crash! We are going to party really hard tonight. I am going to call my mom tonight, I need to speak to her. The wind is really strong. It is going to rain. I feel really bad. I am going to vomit.

7 Going to for expressing future - Form
Singular affirmative I am going to work you are going to sleep he / she / it is going to look Singular negative I am not going to work you are not going to sleep he / she / it is not going to look Singular interrogative am I going to work? are you sleep? is he / she / it look?

8 Going to for expressing future - Form
Plural affirmative we are going to work you sleep they look Plural negative we are not going to work you sleep they look Plural interrogative are we going to work? you sleep? they look?

9 Going to for expressing future - Translation
1. Kdy se budeš učit? 2. Podívej se na něj! Spadne! 3. Hodlám jít dnes běhat. 4. Hodlá se dneska učit? 5. Vidím jak je unavený. Usne. 6. Budeme dnes večer sledovat televizi. 7. Hodláš přijít?

10 Going to for expressing future - Translation
1. Kdy se budeš učit? 2. Podívej se na něj! Spadne! 3. Hodlám jít dnes běhat. 4. Hodlá se dneska učit? 5. Vidím jak je unavený. Určitě usne. 6. Budeme dnes večer sledovat televizi. 7. Hodláš přijít? 1. When are you going to study? 2. Look at him! He's going to fall! 3. I'm going to run today. 4. Is he going to study today? 5. I see how tired he is. He's going to fall asleep. 6. We're going to watch TV today. 7. Are you going to come?

11 Going to for expressing future – Speak about your plans game - Rules
1. Everybody will play for himself or herself. 2. First think about what your plan for this weekend is – what you are going to do. 3. Then walk around the class and ask everybody what he or she is going to do at the weekend. 4. First three people who will have answers from everybody are the winners. 5. We will speak about interesting or surprising plans together.

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