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HOUSE kitchen bedroom bathroom garden a garage dining room living room
To znáš. Translate There is a dog under the table. There are four windows. Are there any children in the garden? There isn´t my father. Is there a Tv in the living room? There aren´t five apples, only three.
Nová slovní zásoba Kde lidé mohou bydlet? a house a tent an igloo a palace a cottage a skyscraper
A car is behind the house.
Porozumění textu Draw A ball is on the chair. A car is behind the house. A book is in the drawer. A picture is under the Tv. A chair is next to the table. A robot is under the bed.
Vyřešíš to? Ve kterém pokoji najdeš tyto věci?
Pro šikovné Describe this room
Kdo zvládne i tento úkol?
Popiš svůj pokoj? Kdo zvládne i tento úkol? Odměna
This is Michael Jordan's House in Chicago! Valued $30,000,000.
Test Přeložíš tyto věty? Kde je moje tričko? Je na židli. Kolik je tady počítačů? Tady jsou čtyři počítače. Kde je tvoje staré kolo? Je v garáži. Can you see my skateboard? It´s behind the door. How many cars are there? Lots of. Where are my comics? They are in the box. This is Michael Jordan's House in Chicago! Valued $30,000,000.
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