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DISSATISFACTION AND ANGER Nespokojenost a rozčilení Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Hana Matuszková. Dostupné z Metodického portálu, ISSN: 1802-4785, financovaného z ESF a státního rozpočtu ČR. Provozováno Výzkumným ústavem pedagogickým v Praze.
kliknutím „ručičkou“ zvol správný anglický překlad české fráze v dolní části snímku na další frázi přejdi kliknutím šipkou na snímku
I'm not happy about that at all. Vadí mi to. I do mind it. I don't like it. I'm very disappointed. I must protest against it. I feel a strong dissatisfaction. I'm greatly depressed.
I don't expect so. / I hope not. Jsem silně nespokojen. I do mind it. I don't like it. I'm very disappointed. I must protest against it. I feel a strong dissatisfaction. I'm greatly depressed.
I don't expect so. / I hope not. Jsem hluboce zarmoucen. I do mind it. I don't like it. I'm very disappointed. I must protest against it. I feel a strong dissatisfaction. I'm greatly depressed.
I'm not happy about that at all. To se mi nelíbí. I do mind it. I don't like it. I'm very disappointed. I must protest against it. I feel a strong dissatisfaction. I'm greatly depressed.
I'm not happy about that at all. Musím proti tomu protestovat. I do mind it. I don't like it. I'm very disappointed. I must protest against it. I feel a strong dissatisfaction. I'm greatly depressed.
I'm not happy about that at all. Jsem velmi zklamán. I do mind it. I don't like it. I'm very disappointed. I must protest against it. I feel a strong dissatisfaction. I'm greatly depressed.
I'm not happy about that at all. Vůbec mi to nevyhovuje. I do mind it. I don't like it. I'm very disappointed. I must protest against it. I feel a strong dissatisfaction. I'm greatly depressed.
I'm not happy about that at all. I do mind it. I don't like it. I'm very disappointed. I must protest against it. I feel a strong dissatisfaction. I'm greatly depressed. Vadí mi to. Jsem silně nespokojen. Jsem hluboce zarmoucen. To se mi nelíbí. Musím proti tomu protestovat. Jsem velmi zklamán. Vůbec mi to nevyhovuje.
I'm not going to put up with it. Zlobím se na tebe. That's the limit. I've had enough. I'm out of luck. Stop it. I'm really angry with you. Leave me alone.
I'm not going to put up with it. To si nenechám líbit. That's the limit. I've had enough. I'm out of luck. Stop it. I'm really angry with you. Leave me alone.
I'm not going to put up with it. Už toho mám dost. That's the limit. I've had enough. I'm out of luck. Stop it. I'm really angry with you. Leave me alone.
I'm not going to put up with it. Dejte mi pokoj. That's the limit. I've had enough. I'm out of luck. Stop it. I'm really angry with you. Leave me alone.
I'm not going to put up with it. Nechte toho. That's the limit. I've had enough. I'm out of luck. Stop it. I'm really angry with you. Leave me alone.
I'm not going to put up with it. Mám smůlu. That's the limit. I've had enough. I'm out of luck. Stop it. I'm really angry with you. Leave me alone.
I'm not going to put up with it. To přestává všechno. That's the limit. I've had enough. I'm out of luck. Stop it. I'm really angry with you. Leave me alone.
I'm not going to put up with it. That's the limit. I've had enough. I'm out of luck. Stop it. I'm really angry with you. Leave me alone. To přestává všechno. Zlobím se na tebe. Dejte mi pokoj. Už toho mám dost. Nechte toho. Mám smůlu. To si nenechám líbit.
K čertu. That's ridiculous / silly. To hell with it. / Oh hell. What a shame. Who do you think I am? How arrogant / rude. Damn!
Za koho mě máte? That's ridiculous / silly. To hell with it. / Oh hell. What a shame. Who do you think I am? How arrogant / rude. Damn!
To je ostuda. That's ridiculous / silly. To hell with it. / Oh hell. What a shame. Who do you think I am? How arrogant / rude. Damn!
To je hloupé. That's ridiculous / silly. To hell with it. / Oh hell. What a shame. Who do you think I am? How arrogant / rude. Damn!
To je drzost. That's ridiculous / silly. To hell with it. / Oh hell. What a shame. Who do you think I am? How arrogant / rude. Damn!
Sakra. That's ridiculous / silly. To hell with it. / Oh hell. What a shame. Who do you think I am? How arrogant / rude. Damn!
That's ridiculous / silly. To hell with it. / Oh hell. What a shame. Who do you think I am? K čertu. Za koho mě máte? To je ostuda. To je hloupé. How arrogant / rude. To je drzost. Damn! Sakra.
I'm waiting for an explanation. Ven. How dare you? Behave yourself. You must be crazy! Pardon me! Get out of here. / Get out. That's annoying.
I'm waiting for an explanation. Očekávám vysvětlení. How dare you? Behave yourself. You must be crazy! Pardon me! Get out of here. / Get out. That's annoying.
I'm waiting for an explanation. Chovej se slušně! How dare you? Behave yourself. You must be crazy! Pardon me! Get out of here. / Get out. That's annoying.
I'm waiting for an explanation. To je nehoráznost. How dare you? Behave yourself. You must be crazy! Pardon me! Get out of here. / Get out. That's annoying.
I'm waiting for an explanation. No dovolte. How dare you? Behave yourself. You must be crazy! Pardon me! Get out of here. / Get out. That's annoying.
I'm waiting for an explanation. Ty ses snad zbláznil. How dare you? Behave yourself. You must be crazy! Pardon me! Get out of here. / Get out. That's annoying.
I'm waiting for an explanation. Co si to dovolujete? How dare you? Behave yourself. You must be crazy! Pardon me! Get out of here. / Get out. That's annoying.
I'm waiting for an explanation. How dare you? Behave yourself. You must be crazy! Pardon me! Get out of here. / Get out. That's annoying. Co si to dovolujete? Ven. To je nehoráznost. Chovej se slušně! No dovolte. Ty ses snad zbláznil! Očekávám vysvětlení.
Zdroje: OCAL. Face clip art online . cit. 2011-01-07 . Dostupný pod licencí Public domain na WWW: Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Hana Matuszková. Dostupné z Metodického portálu, ISSN: 1802-4785, financovaného z ESF a státního rozpočtu ČR. Provozováno Výzkumným ústavem pedagogickým v Praze.
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