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ZveřejnilJakub Šimek
Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0969 Název školy Gymnázium Česká a Olympijských nadějí, České Budějovice, Česká 64 Název materiálu Christmas quiz Autor Bc. Tamara Divišová Tematický okruh knowledge quiz - Christmas Ročník Elementary + Datum tvorby 4.1.2013 AnotaceChristmas, traditions, winter, quiz Metodický pokynprezentace je určena jako výklad do hodiny i jako materiál k samostudiu Možnosti využití: promítání, práce jednotlivců nebo dvojic u PC Pokud není uvedeno jinak, použitý materiál je z vlastních zdrojů autora DIGITÁLNÍ UČEBNÍ MATERIÁL
Christmas quiz Everybody likes Christmas, but do you know more about this favourite holiday? Check yourself!
When was Christmas first celebrated? The year after Jesus was crucified Around 100 AD 4th century 1935
Where did the Christmas tree tradition originate? Izrael Germany New England Scandinavia
The poinsettia or the 'Flower of the Holy Night' or ´Christmas Star´is a traditional Christmas flower which was brought to America by Joel Poinsett in 1829. Which country did it originally grow in? Canada China Mexico Spain
St. Nicholas was a bishop. It was the Dutch who first made him into a Christmas gift-giver, and Dutch settlers brought him to America where his name eventually became the familiar Santa Claus. Where did St. Nicholas live? At the North Pole At the island of Malta In Turkey In Holland
A writer in an advertising agency named Robert May, invented the ninth reindeer, with a red and shiny nose, while working on a catalogue for the Montgomery Ward Company in 1939. What was the reindeer's name? Rudolph Werner Rupert Johannes
The carol ‘Silent Night’ was first sung as part of a church service in Austria. Which instrument was used to play this carol? Harp Pipe organ Piano Guitar
This plant was associated with peace and friendship in ancient Scandinavia, which may account for the customary exchange of kisses beneath its sprig at Christmas. Name this plant. Ivy Yew Mistletoe Holly
ANSWERS: When was Christmas first celebrated? 4AD Where did the Christmas tree tradition originate? Germany Which country did Poinsetia originally grow in? Mexico Where did St. Nicholas live? In Turkey What was the reindeer's name? Rudolph Which instrument was used to play this carol? Guitar Name this plant. Mistletoe
Metodický pokyn Před započetím práce prosím připravte přehled slovní zásoby, pokud není studentům dostatečně známá. Každou otázku můžete doplnit dalšími otázkami a ujistit se tak o dostatečném porozumění slovní zásobě i větám. Kvíz je určen i k mezipředmětové výuce, je možné jej použít i při CLILové formě vyučování.
Zdroje: Sady MS Office archiv autora Wikipedia
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