Migrants in Czech Labour Market Štěpán Hlaváček. Basic questions What must be done before a migrant can start looking for work? Is the Czech Republic.

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1 Migrants in Czech Labour Market Štěpán Hlaváček

2 Basic questions What must be done before a migrant can start looking for work? Is the Czech Republic capable to employ migrants assigned by the European quota? What is the language barrier in the Czech Republic? [1] [2] [3]

3 Before looking for work Visa for residence in the Czech Republic Work permit Employee cards Blue card [4]

4 23 205 [5]

5 Employment opportunities in the Czech Republic Working position for foreigners without education – 847 Working position for foreigners with primary education – 13 025 Working position for foreigners with high school education – 7 396 Working position for foreigners with university education – 1 988

6 23 205 2 691

7 Citation [1] CIZMAR, Jakub. Propagace na internetu [online]. [cit. 30.3.2016]. Dostupný na WWW: http://www.betonovesachty.sk/caste-otazkyhttp://www.propagacenainternetu.cz/otazka-na-ctenare- kapitalky-v-nadpisech [2] BIBERLE, Jozef. Betonové šachty [online]. [cit. 30.3.2016]. Dostupný na WWW: http://www.betonovesachty.sk/caste-otazky [3] BEREC, Zsanett. Mal by som jednu otázku [online]. [cit. 30.3.2016]. Dostupný na WWW: http://webfirma.sk/kontakt/ [4] Dostupný na: http://portal.mpsv.cz/sz/zahr_zam/tiskopisy/zc_o_povoleni_k_zamest.pdf [5] SHUTTERSTOCK. Lidovky.cz [online]. [cit. 30.3.2016]. Dostupný na WWW: http://byznys.lidovky.cz/foto.aspx?r=firmy-trhy&foto1=GLU350812_happy.jpg

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