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Teleskopy na neutrina neutrinová astronomie
Princip detekce
Amanda a IceCube
Výsledky ICECUBE
Citlivost detektorů a limity
Difusní toky (limity)
Průchod neutrin Zemí
Sluneční a atmosferická neutrina, historie: 1931 - Pauli presents hypothetical "neutron" particlePauli presents hypothetical "neutron" particle 1934 - Fermi develops theory of weak interaction and baptizes the neutrinoFermi develops theory of weak interaction and baptizes the neutrino 1956 - First discovery of the neutrino by an experimentFirst discovery of the neutrino by an experiment 1962 - Discovery of an other type of neutrino at Brookhaven National LabDiscovery of an other type of neutrino at Brookhaven National Lab 1968 - First experiment to detect electron neutrinos produced by the sunFirst experiment to detect electron neutrinos produced by the sun 1978 - Discovery of the tau lepton at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, existence of tau neutrino theorizedDiscovery of the tau lepton at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, existence of tau neutrino theorized 1983 - Kamiokande becomes operationalKamiokande becomes operational 1985 - The IMB experiment & Russian team reports measurement of non-zero neutrino massThe IMB experiment & Russian team reports measurement of non-zero neutrino mass 1987 - Kamiokande and IMB detect simultaneous burst of neutrinos from SupernovaKamiokande and IMB detect simultaneous burst of neutrinos from Supernova 1989 - Kamiokande becomes second experiment detecting neutrinos from the sun and confirms anomaly of finding only 1/3 expected rateKamiokande becomes second experiment detecting neutrinos from the sun and confirms anomaly of finding only 1/3 expected rate 1990 - IMB confirms deficit of muon neutrino interactionsIMB confirms deficit of muon neutrino interactions 1991 - LEP experiments show that there are only three light neutrinosLEP experiments show that there are only three light neutrinos 1994 - First proclamation of possible neutrinos oscillations seen by LSND experimentFirst proclamation of possible neutrinos oscillations seen by LSND experiment 1995 - Missing solar neutrinos confirmed by GALLEXMissing solar neutrinos confirmed by GALLEX 1996 - AMANDA neutrino telescope observes neutrinos at the south poleAMANDA neutrino telescope observes neutrinos at the south pole 1998 - Super-Kamiokande collaboration announces evidence of non-zero neutrino massSuper-Kamiokande collaboration announces evidence of non-zero neutrino mass 2002 – SNO potvrzuje model Slunce, triumf oscilaci
Sluneční neutrina
galiu m chlorin e SNO, SuperK Sluneční neutrina
Sluneční neutrina, detekce HOMESTAKE – extrakce radiochemicky Davis, Bahcal, málo neutrin ze slunce podobný princip GALEX a SAGE detekce kolem 100-800 keV neutrin A nebo v detektorech typu KAMIOKANDE a SUPERKAMIOKANDE Inverzní beta rozpad
mio n elektro n
Něco tady chybí, nebo je špatné model Slunce?
Neutronov y zachyt na deuteronu
Slana faze - SNO
1964: Něco tady chybí (oscilace?), nebo je špatne model Slunce? 2002: Odpověď SNO : Chybí mi eletronová neutrina, ale celkový počet neutrin je v pořádku TEDY OSCILACE Nobelova cena 2002... only who dares can win... Your humble servant, W. Pauli
Oscilace Flavour stav Hmotový stav Mixing matice Vývoj stacionárního stavu Stav po čase t,v t=0 čistě stav alfa Pravděpodobnost, že z alfa bude po čase t beta Pro dva flavoury
Atmosférická neutrina 1 : 2 cca. :)
Atmosférická neutrina e pod GeV e nad GeV miony nad GeV miony pod GeV SuperK TEDY OSCILACE
Supernova 1987A a KAMIOKANDE inverzni beta rozpad
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