EU peníze středním školám Název vzdělávacího materiálu: Gerunds and infinitives with „to“ Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: AJ1-3 Šablona: II/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění.

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Prezentace na téma: "EU peníze středním školám Název vzdělávacího materiálu: Gerunds and infinitives with „to“ Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: AJ1-3 Šablona: II/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění."— Transkript prezentace:

1 EU peníze středním školám Název vzdělávacího materiálu: Gerunds and infinitives with „to“ Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: AJ1-3 Šablona: II/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky cizích jazyků na středních školách. Název sady vzdělávacích materiálů:Materiály pro přípravu k maturitě Autor: Mgr. Michala Nyklesová Datum vytvoření: 20. 1. 2014 Garant (kontrola):Mgr. Jarmila Jurečková Ročník: vyšší gymnázium, zejména oktáva, 4.ročník Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Metodika/anotace:Powerpointová prezentace, učivo gerundium a infinitiv s „to“ – přehled sloves a vazeb. Časový rozvrh:40 minut Zdroje: ( Možné uvést v závěru) viz. poslední slide Gymnázium Františka Křižíka a základní škola, s.r.o.

2 Gerunds Infinitives with to

3 Verb + - ing form  After verbs expressing a person´s attitude: Like, love, prefer, enjoy, dislike, mind, can´t stand, hate, fancy I definitely prefer eating to cooking. I can ´t stand flying.. I don´t mind translating the sentences.

4 Verb + - ing form  After following verbs:AdmitAvoidConsiderContinueImagineKeepMissPractiseRecommendSuggest

5 Verb + - ing form  After following verbs: Admit = Připustit Avoid = Vyhnout se Consider = Uvažovat o Continue = Pokračovat Imagine = Představit si Keep = Pokračovat Miss = Postrádat Practise = Nacvičovat Recommend = Doporučit Suggest = Navrhnout

6 Verb + prepositional/phrasal verb + - ing form  After following verbs: Concentrate on Dream about Give up Look forward to Rely on Suceed at Think about

7 Verb + prepositional/phrasal verb + - ing form  After following verbs: Concentrate on = Soustředit se na Dream about = Snít o Give up = Vzdát se Look forward to = Těšit se na Rely on = Spoléhat se na Suceed at = Uspět Think about = Přemýšlet

8 To be + adjective + preposition + -ing Good/bad at Good/bad at – She´s good at explaining maths. Tired of Tired of – I´m tired of talking about the exams. Afraid of Afraid of – He was afraid of making a mistake. Interested in Interested in – Are you interested in living here? Keen on Keen on – They aren´t keen on using the metro. Proud of Proud of – Dan is proud of passing his exam. Famous for Famous for – He was famous for inventing the X-ray. Sorry for Sorry for – She was sorry for losing his keys. Be used to Be used to – She is used to getting up early. Get used to Get used to – I can´t get used to driving a car.

9 Preposition + -ing Against – He´s got nothing against calling you. Despite – She agreed despite not feeling sure. In spite of – In spite of trying very hard I failed. Instead of – I´d sing instead of playing the piano. Without – He left without paying the bill. Before – Before going out, I phoned Jerry. After – What did you do after leaving school?

10 Verb + to + infinitive AgreeChooseDecideExpectForgetHopeManageLearnFailAffordOfferPromiseRefuseSeemWant Would like

11 Verb + (object) + to + infinitive Want Want – Do you want me to come with you? Expect Expect – I expect you to finish this task. Tell Tell – I was told to leave it here. Remind Remind –Can you remind me to phone Jack? Warn – He warned me not to touch it. Persuade – Jane persuaded me to apply for it. Order – We were ordered to complete the text. Ask – Ask him to repair the car. Help – We help them to clean the park.

12 Verb + -ing or to Remember I clearly remember locking the door ( = I did it and now I remember this). I remembered to send the e-mail (= I remembered that I had to do it, and so I did it)

13 Verb + -ing or to Stop He stopped to have lunch (= he stopped some activity and started another one). I stopped smoking ten years ago (= he stopped the activity).

14 Verb + -ing or to Regret Now I regret canceling the trip (= I shouldn´t have canceled it). We regret to inform you that the flight number 47112 to Glasgow is delayed (= we are sorry that we have to say…).

15 Verb + -ing or to Try Please try to be quiet when you come home. (= make an effort to do it). Try pressing the red button ( = try it, perhaps it will help).

16 Practise it! Complete the sentences with correct form of eat : 1.I love ……..….my dinner on a tray in front of the TV. 2.Every year I give up ………………chocolate. 3.She managed…………………some cabbage, she doesn´t like it. 4.If I´m on a diet, I think about ………..all the time. 5.Do you fancy …………….in a restaurant this evening?

17 Check it! Complete the sentences with correct form of eat : eating 1.I love eating my dinner on a tray in front of the TV. eating 2.Every year I give up eating chocolate. to eat 3.She managed to eat some cabbage, she doesn´t like it. eating 4.If I´m on a diet, I think about eating all the time. eatingout 5.Do you fancy eating out in a restaurant this evening?

18 Practise it (2) Uvažoval jsi někdy o tom, že bys žil v jiné zemi? Nevzpomínám si, že bych mu dával tu pozvánku. Nemohli jsme si dovolit strávit tam víc času. Těšil jsem se na to, až se nastěhuji do toho domu. Poradila mi, abych si našel jiného účetního. Dokážeš si představit, že bys pracoval s námi? Chci se vyhnout tomu, že pojedu ve špičce.

19 Check it (2)  Have you ever considered living in another country?  I don´t remember giving him the invitation.  We couldn´t afford to spend more time there.  I was looking forward to moving to this house.  She advised me to find another accountant.  Could you imagine working with us?  I want to avoid driving in the rush hour.

20 Použité materiály Raymond Murphy – English Grammar In Use (Cambridge University Press 2001) Sarah Peters, Tomáš Gráf – Time to Talk 3 (Polyglot 2003)

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