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ZveřejnilNela Janečková
Present simple and continuous
● I love my sister. ● Baby doesn´t have hair. ● It is a summer day. ● The boy is smiling. ● He is carrying his sister. ● Baby is playing with a toy.
Present simple and continuous ● 1. Present simple se používá pro označení trvale platných zkušeností: ● I love my sister. ● Baby doesn´t have hair. ● It is a summer day. ● 1. Present continuous označuje děje probíhající v okamžiku promluvy: ● The boy is smiling. ● He is carrying his sister. ● Baby is playing with a toy.
Present simple and continuous ● 2. Present simple se používá pro dlouhotrvající skutečnosti a pro opakované činnosti nebo zvyky(např. Pro běžné návyky nebo pro děje odehrávající se podle plánu nebo časového rozvrhu) ● 2.Present continuous se používá k označení dějů, které probíhají v přítomnosti po určitou omezenou dobu( např. Pobyt u babičky, u moře..)
Present simple and continuous ● Present simple se užívá s příslovci: ● Usually ● Often ● Every ● Užívá se u sloves označující stavy myšlení a cítění:, need, know, forget, notice, love, like, understand, hate want ● Present continuous ● se nepoužívá u sloves označujících myšlenkové a citové stavy
Present simple and continuous ● I love sea. ● I need a new swimmimg suit. ● I know your sister. ● I like her name. ● We understand you. ● He loves Mary. ● I want some ice-cream.
1. It ________ quite hard — perhaps we shouldn't go out tonight. 1. ? snows 2. ? is snowing 2. Look! Junko ________ into the water. 1. ? jumps 2. ? is jumping 3. Once a week, I ________ to an art class at the college. 1. ? go 2. ? am going 4. Marie-Claude isn't a Canadian. I ________ she comes from France. 1. ? believe 2. ? am believing 5. Don't give Jan any cheese. She ________ it! 1. ? hates 2. ? is hating 6. I ________ lunch in the cafeteria every day. 1. ? have 2. ? am having 7. I ________ you're crazy! 1. ? think 2. ? am thinking 8. You won't find Jerry at home right now. He ________ in the library. 1. ? studies 2. ? is studying 9. I ________ to Toronto next Thursday. Do you want to come? 1. ? go 2. ? am going 10. Salman is rich — he ________ a Mercedes. 1. ? drives 2. ? is driving
Present simple and continuous ● Použitá literatura: Gramatika a slovník, Zdeněk Šmíra 2001, Bohumín
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