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ZveřejnilDominik Bařtipán
Relative clauses 24.7.2012 Gymnázium a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky Zlín Tematická oblastSlovní zásoba a gramatika Datum vytvoření25. 8. 2013 Ročník2. ročník, kvinta Stručný obsah Materiál obsahuje úkoly k procvičení vztažných vět vypustitelných a nevypustitelných Způsob využití Možno využít při skupinové nebo individuální práci, opakování nebo testování gramatiky učebnice Maturita Solutions Intermediate 2nd edition, 3. lekce Autor Mgr. Dana Mynářová Kód VY_32_INOVACE_04_AMYN20
Find the connections I have a friendwhichyou talked to in the cinema. I read bookswhoI met your friends yesterday. I don´t know the name of the boywhereI liked best at school. I like the restaurantthatare about our history. Biology was the subjectwhosefather is a dentist
Possible answer key I have a friend whose who father is a dentist. you talked to in the cinema. I read booksthat, whichare about our history. I don´t know the name of the boywhoyou talked to in the cinema. I like the restaurantwhereI met your friends yesterday. Biology was the subjectthat, whichI liked best at school.
Work in pairs. Talk about your favourite people, things and places and form at least 5 relative clauses using who, which, that, whose, where. Example: My favourite room is my bedroom where I listen to music or study. The person that I admire is my mum because….
Complete the sentences with who, which, where, whose. Use commas, if necessary. 1) At the beach we watched a couple ……… children were more energetic than ours. 2) Helen bought her friend some birthday presents …………. turned out to be mainly books. 3) They drove to Kingsbridge ………….. they went to the local history resource centre. 4) Our friend Mike……… leads quite a busy life, invited us to the birthday party.
Answer key 1) At the beach we watched a couple whose children were more energetic than ours. 2) Helen bought her friend some birthday presents, which turned out to be mainly books. 3) They drove to Kingsbridge where they went to the local history resource centre. 4) Our friend Mike, who leads quite a busy life, invited us to the birthday party.
Look out! Whose is mostly used with people, but it is also possible with some other nouns, e.g. countries, buildings: Great Britain, whose economy is stable,…. The house, whose window is broken, …. That is used after these expressions the only thing that, the first (second, third) …. that, every(thing) that, any(thing) that, some(thing) that, no(thing) that, superlative adjective + that, e.g.: There's something that you should know. It was the best film that I've ever seen.
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