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ZveřejnilIveta Havlíčková
Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0565 Číslo materiálu VY_32_INOVACE_128_PROGRESS IN TECHNOLOGY Název školy Masarykova střední škola zemědělská a Vyšší odborná škola, Opava, příspěvková organizace Autor Mgr. Jana Ratimorská Průřezové téma Informační a komunikační technologie Tematický celek Anglický jazyk Ročník 2. – 4. Datum tvorby 15. 11. 2013 Datum a místo ověření 26. 11. 2013 3.L Druh učebního materiálu Prezentace Anotace Prezentace slovní zásoby Pokrok v technologii, názorné prohloubení nové slovní zásoby, práce v Power pointu proložená s prací v online prostředí Klíčová slova Technology, definitions, media technologies, operating a computer, advantages and disadvantages of using the internet, history of computers, questions Metodický pokyn Určeno pro studenty úrovně A2-B1. Časově je prezentace koncipována na 1- 2 vyučovací hodiny. Zápis a aktivní vyhledávání slovíček, definování pojmů, práce s významovým slovníkem, poslech online v internetovém prostředí, názorná ukázka technologie budoucnosti, odpovědi na otázky. Procvičení slov. zásoby online v dom. prostředí. Pokud není uvedeno jinak, použitý materiál je z vlastních zdrojů autora
There are a lot of technological tools, which have changed our life style. Name the pictures. The words from the box may help you. nuclear energy televisioniPad alternative energyspacecraft robot telescope satellitesolar batterycomputer Technology is the activity or study of using scientific knowledge for practical purposes. wind energy
A It is an object which has been sent into space to collect information. It is a part of a communication system too. B It is a long tool shaped like a tube. The tube has lenses which make distant objects look larger and nearer. C It is a popular technology device among students who use it especially for listening to music, watching videos or photos. D It is a rocket or it can be other special vehicle that can travel in space. E It is an advanced machine which moves and performs certain tasks automatically. F It is the most modern electronic machine which counts very quick calculations and processes large amounts of information. SOLUTION : 1F 2A 3B 4D 5C 6E Demo: Understanding the parts of your computer - YouTube video
Hardware Software Digital Technology Synergy Convergence Videos Phones Smart Phones IPhones IPads Tablets Laptops Internet Online Technology This is progress in technology.
spam I have finished my document and I must………… the date in it. It is better if you ……………your documents. Peter made beautiful pictures of his family yesterday. He should …………….them. You should ………… this part of the text because it is too long. ………….this video into my document. Program that searches information on the internet is called……………………. ……..They sent me advertising material by an email that I haven´t asked for. It is…………… I often use ………………….................. copy documents print pictures save the date in the document open an existing document web browser cut and past a text search engine save copy print cut Past search engine spam a web browser nuclear energy spacecraft satellite robot
Advantages Disadvantages - search people - can lost your privacy - contact your friends - news might not be reliable - find some information - shopping online saves time and money - too expensive for some people - don´t have to pay postage - become addicted to games - can look for accommodation - it is a public space - be addicted to the internet - search maps - search weather forecast - listen to music - watching films
History of computers - "Past to Present & Beyond" - YouTube 1. Where were computers invented ? 2. When was computer invented ? video 1944 the USAthe UKGermany 19361952 3. Computer was invented by: Bill GatesKonrad Zuse Bill Gates Steve Jobs 4. Who are these people ? Konrad Zuse Steve Jobs computer pioneermicrosoft founderfounder of Apple A BC
What is your opinion about children and teenagers playing violent video games ? Do you think modern technology reduces stress? Why? Do you buy things on the Internet? How often? In your opinion, what is the best technological invention?Why? When and how many times do you usually use a chat site? Have you ever used the Internet to learn English online? Has technological progress affected our life? The Future of the Book. video Modern technology increases stress. What is your opinion of that ? Have you ever read an article or instruction in English ? Tell about it.
English Exercises: 4-SKILLS Describing Function & Use -I- COMPUTERS (Author-Bouabdellah) English Exercises: 4-SKILLS Describing Function & Use -II- COMPUTERS (Author-Bouabdellah) A computer is an electronic device that stores and processes data, according to a list of instructions. It allows a user to manipulate data very easily. The speed of performance of a computer is incomparable. The computer and Internet have affected our way of learning, working, storing information, communicating, playing, and also writing. In fact, computers are used in every sphere of life today. online
Slide 2: HUXLEY, Aldons. Quotes about Technology an Computers [online]. [cit. 13.11.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: Slide 3: citace ABDALLAOVÁ, Naděžda; BÉBAROVÁ, Ludmila. Anglicko-český výkladový slovník. Jana Masaryka 56,120 00 Praha 2: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, 2003, ISBN TECHNOLOGY IS THE ACTIVITY OR STUDY OF USING SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE FOR PRACTICAL PURPOSES. obrázky online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 Slide 4: video online cit.15.11.2013. Slide 5: obrázek online cit. 28.11.2013 Slide 6: obrázek online cit.15.11.2013 Slide 7: obrázek online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 Slide 8: video obrázky online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 Slide 9: video online cit.15.11.2013 obrázky %C5%BEena-15728/ online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 online cit. 28.11.2013 Slide 10: video-procvičování obrázek článek online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013 online cit.15.11.2013
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