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ZveřejnilBohumír Hruda
SATISFACTION Spokojenost Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Hana Matuszková. Dostupné z Metodického portálu, ISSN: 1802-4785, financovaného z ESF a státního rozpočtu ČR. Provozováno Výzkumným ústavem pedagogickým v Praze.
kliknutím „ručičkou“ zvol správný anglický překlad české fráze v dolní části snímku na další frázi přejdi kliknutím šipkou na snímku
To jsem rád. I'm happy about that. I'm glad to hear that. I'm very pleased indeed. I'm absolutely / entirely satisfied with it. I'm very pleased.
Jsem s tím naprosto spokojen. I'm happy about that. I'm glad to hear that. I'm very pleased indeed. I'm absolutely / entirely satisfied with it. I'm very pleased.
Udělal jste mi opravdu velkou radost. I'm happy about that. I'm glad to hear that. I'm very pleased indeed. I'm absolutely / entirely satisfied with it. I'm very pleased.
Vyhovuje mi to. I'm happy about that. I'm glad to hear that. I'm very pleased indeed. I'm absolutely / entirely satisfied with it. I'm very pleased.
To mě opravdu těší. I'm happy about that. I'm glad to hear that. I'm very pleased indeed. I'm absolutely / entirely satisfied with it. I'm very pleased.
I'm happy about that. I'm glad to hear that. I'm very pleased indeed. I'm absolutely / entirely satisfied with it. To jsem rád. Jsem s tím naprosto spokojen. Udělal jste mi opravdu velkou radost. Vyhovuje mi to. I'm very pleased. To mě opravdu těší.
That's fantastic / superb. Výborně. Very good. / Oh good. You are lucky. Excellent. / Well done. That's marvellous. That's fine / great. It's a piece of luck.
That's fantastic / superb. To je prima. Very good. / Oh good. You are lucky. Excellent. / Well done. That's marvellous. That's fine / great. It's a piece of luck.
That's fantastic / superb. To je štěstí. Very good. / Oh good. You are lucky. Excellent. / Well done. That's marvellous. That's fine / great. It's a piece of luck.
That's fantastic / superb. To máte štěstí. Very good. / Oh good. You are lucky. Excellent. / Well done. That's marvellous. That's fine / great. It's a piece of luck.
That's fantastic / superb. To je báječné. Very good. / Oh good. You are lucky. Excellent. / Well done. That's marvellous. That's fine / great. It's a piece of luck.
That's fantastic / superb. Vynikající. Very good. / Oh good. You are lucky. Excellent. / Well done. That's marvellous. That's fine / great. It's a piece of luck.
That's fantastic / superb. To je senzační. Very good. / Oh good. You are lucky. Excellent. / Well done. That's marvellous. That's fine / great. It's a piece of luck.
That's fantastic / superb. Very good. / Oh good. You are lucky. Excellent. / Well done. That's marvellous. That's fine / great. It's a piece of luck. Výborně. To je prima. To je štěstí. To máte štěstí. To je báječné. Vynikající. To je senzační.
Zdroje: cit. 2011-01-07 . Dostupný pod licencí Public domain na WWW:.
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