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ZveřejnilDana Bártová
Název školy: Základní škola a Mateřská škola, Hradec Králové, Úprkova 1 Autor: Mgr. Medková Blanka Název: VY_32_INOVACE_4C_3_London (3) Téma: 4C_Aj 7.tř. Datum ověření: VM ověřen dne 3.10.2012 ve třídě 7. A, B Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3215 Anotace: DUM je určen k rozvíjení schopnosti číst v cizím jazyce, což je velmi přínosné při učení jazyka – žáci se naučí nová slova, jejichž obsah odhadnou mnohdy i z kontextu, uvidí mnoho gramatických frází, struktur. Cílem tohoto DUMU je podpořit žáky ve schopnosti číst plynule autentický anglický text. Současně se seznámí s hlavním městem Velké Británie, konkrétně s řekou Temží. Tento materi á l byl vytvořen r á mci projektu EU pen í ze š kol á m Operačn í ho programu Vzděl á v á n í pro konkurenceschopnost
řeka Temže v Londýně.
Temže v Oxfordu
Mapa území, kterým protéká Temže
The Thames The River Thames runs through the centre of London from west to east. Its name comes from an old word for river.
The Thames In past times, the Thames was a great road of water. This road brought people to London and by the 1700s it brought things from round the world – tea, sugar, wood and a lot of money. The Thames was always a busy river.
The Thames For 1,700 years london only had one bridge – London Bridge. The first London Bridge was wood. Londoners finished a new, stone London Bridge in 1209.
The Thames This stood for 622 years. It was not only a bridge. It had shops and some people lived on it. The bridge was very busy.
The Thames A long way from home The next London Bridge stood for 140 years. Now it is in Arizona, in the United States! In 1968 people built a new London Bridge and the city sold the old bridge to an American.
The Thames Robert McCulloch bought it for $2,460,000 and moved it to Arizona. Some Londoners say that McCulloch bought the wrong bridge. They say that he really wanted Tower Bridge.
The Thames Londoners built a second bridge across the Thames in 1750 at Westminster. By the year 1819, there were five bridges across the river.
The Thames They changes life in the city. Before that, not many people lived south of the river, but now they could easily go across the Thames.
The Thames Today, there are thirty-four bridges. The most famous is east of the city centre, near the Tower of London.
The Thames Workers finished Tower Bridge in 1894. The road across the bridge goes up in the centre when big ships come through.
The Thames The bridge is one of the most famous places in London. You can go on high walkways at the top of the bridge and visit a museum there.
The Thames The river helped London in many ways, but it also brought problems. For years, people threw things into it.
The Thames The city´s toilets ran into the river, too. The river was very dirty and its water was dangerous. By the 1950s, there were no fish. Today, things are different. The water is cleaner, and fish swim in the Thames again.
Západ slunce nad Temží - pohled z Greenwiche
Pohled přes Temži z jižní části Tower Bridge. Napravo od lampy veřejného osvětlení Tower 42 a pozoruhodně tvarovaný 30 St Mary Axe. Zcela vpravo je Tower
Použití zdroje: SHIPTON, Vicky. London. Essex: Pearson Education Ltd, 2008, ISBN 978-1-4058-8164-7. Citace: AUTOR NEUVEDEN. [online]. [cit. 30.5.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: AUTOR NEUVEDEN. [online]. [cit. 30.5.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: AUTOR NEUVEDEN. [online]. [cit. 30.5.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: AUTOR NEUVEDEN. [online]. [cit. 30.5.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: AUTOR NEUVEDEN. [online]. [cit. 30.5.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: AUTOR NEUVEDEN. [online]. [cit. 30.5.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: Anotace: Tento materi á l byl vytvořen r á mci projektu EU pen í ze š kol á m Operačn í ho programu Vzděl á v á n í pro konkurenceschopnost
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