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Christmas in the UK VY_32_INOVACE_02-57 Ročník: 8. Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Tematický okruh: Cvičení na podporu konverzace Téma: Christmas in the UK Jméno autora: Mgr. Petr Kozlovský Vytvořeno dne: 2. 12. 2011 Metodický popis, (anotace): Materiál informuje žáky o Vánocích ve Velké Británii (zvyky, svátky, pokrmy...). Je doplněn cvičeními na kontrolu porozumění textu. Žáci se samostatně vyjadřují k tématu Vánoc.
During the weeks before Christmas Day people send lots of Christmas cards to all friends or other people, decorate their houses and churches with eletric lights.
It`s a quiet time spent with the family and very close friends. People sing christmas carols, drink wine, eat many sweets, go to the pub or the midnight church service. Children are loking for Father Christmas. They hang up their stockings and go to sleep. stockings
It`s the most important day for children. They get of the bed in the morning and they are ready to start opening the presents. The typical Christmas dinner is a huge turkey with a lot of vegetable. It takes lots of hours to make the turkey and also to eat it :o). They are still eating turkey sendwiches two weeks after the Christmas dinner. turkey
The typical Christmas desert is the Christmas puding. It`s very heavy, made from dried fruit. People in England also like the Christmas crackers. They are made of paper and look like sweets. When you open them, it makes a little bang! Inside there is a little souvenir.
It`s traditionally a time to give presents to friends or poor people or put some money for milkmen and dustmen into their boxes. In the past people went to other people`s houses asking for food or money.
People often celebrate the last day of the year at pubs, they drink a lot of alcohol, eat and dance. At midnight they usually fire and watch the fireworks and welcome the New Year.
Christmas Calendar – doplň názvy dnů: 24th December25th December26th December31st December1st JanuaryChristmas EveChristmas DayBoxing DayNew Year`s EveNew Year`s Day
Find 5 differences : Czech ChristmasEnglish Christmas 1 2 3 4 5
1. Did it snow last year at Christmas? 2. Do you decorate the outside of your house? 3. Do you enjoy singing Christmas songs? 4. What is your favourite Christmas carol (song)? 5. What do you eat on Christmas Day? 6. Do you think Christmas is depressing? 7. Does your family have any Christmas traditions? 8. How do you usually spend New Year`s Eve? 9. Is your Christmas tree real or imitation? 10.What will you buy for your parents? 11.When do you put up the Christmas tree? Answer the questions:
How many reindeer does Santa (Father Christmas) have? What`s the name of the first reindeer with the red nose? Do you know, … (nine) (Rudolf)
How do you imagine your Christmas of dreams?
Všechny použité obrázky: [online]. c2011 [cit. 2011-12-02].
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