NÁZEV ŠKOLY : Gymnázium Lovosice, Sady pionýrů 600/6 ČÍSLO PROJEKTU : CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1073 NÁZEV MATERIÁLU : VY_32_INOVACE_3B_18_Customs- Easter TÉMA.

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Prezentace na téma: "NÁZEV ŠKOLY : Gymnázium Lovosice, Sady pionýrů 600/6 ČÍSLO PROJEKTU : CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1073 NÁZEV MATERIÁLU : VY_32_INOVACE_3B_18_Customs- Easter TÉMA."— Transkript prezentace:

1 NÁZEV ŠKOLY : Gymnázium Lovosice, Sady pionýrů 600/6 ČÍSLO PROJEKTU : CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1073 NÁZEV MATERIÁLU : VY_32_INOVACE_3B_18_Customs- Easter TÉMA SADY : Anglický jazyk ROČNÍK : 3., 4. ročník/septima, oktáva DATUM VZNIKU : listopad 2013 AUTOR : Ing. Naděžda Schánová

2 ANOTACE Prezentace je určena k opakování a přípravě k maturitě z anglického jazyka zejména pro žáky septimy, oktávy, třetích a čtvrtých ročníků gymnázia. Materiál může být částečně (vyjma obtížnějších hypertextových odkazů vysvětlujících církevní pozadí svátku) použit i pro mladší žáky. „ Customs - Easter“ - je prezentace, která volně navazuje na prezentaci „The Czech Republic“ a doplňuje zvyky v ČR v době Velikonoc ve srovnání s VB a USA. Úvod se zabývá možným dělením svátků podle příčiny jejich vzniku a důvodu jejich oslav. Většina textu sděluje žákům známé skutečnosti a oni si ověřují zvládnutí slovní zásoby spojené s Velikonocemi doplňováním slovíček zakrytých obrázkem nebo českým textem. Nabídnutý hypertextový odkaz přiblíží žákům detailní pohled na tradice ve Velké Británii a video zase oslavy Velikonoc v Bílém domě ve Washingtonu, USA. Žáci rekapitulují či popisují jim známé či poznané skutečnosti.

3 Why do we celebrate holidays ? it is the opportunity to – have fun, a good time (April Fool´s Day, Easter, Christmas, New Year´s Eve, Halloween, Guy Fawkes Day) – follow the traditions ( Easter, Christmas) – honour our ancestors/national heroes /historical events (patron saints of our nations (St. Wenceslas,, …. St.Patrick, St.George, St. Andrew, …), Czechoslovak Independence Day, Veterans Day (since 2001),Thanksgiving Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day.... ) – express our love to members of our family or friends (Mother´s Day, Father´s Day, St.Valentine´s Day, All Souls Day ) CZ+USA+GB GB USA CZ USA+GB

4 Why do we celebrate holidays ? - to STOP being in a rush, everyday routine, - to THINK about REAL VALUES OF LIFE First let´s have a look at common holidays and traditions widely celebrated because of Christian religion. Christmas and Easter are religious holidays which became civil ones, celebrated by both believers and non- believers all over the Christian world including the Czech Republic and some countries of the Commonwealth of Nations (GB, USA, Canada…….).

5 Easter (Christians) Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (on Easter Sunday ) on the third day after his crucifixion (on Good Friday). A period before Easter is called Lent. Christians pray and fast. The last week of Lent is called Holy Week, including Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday ), Good Friday and Holy Saturday (Easter Eve) Zelený čtvrtek Easter zmrtvýchvstání ukřižování 1st;2nd;3rd? 1 Boží hod velikonoční Velký pátek půstse modlí drží půst Bílou sobotu Velký pátek

6 Symbols:  Ash Wednesday Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the desert, when the devil tempted him. Ash Wednesday - What Is Ash Wednesday? Video  Palm Sunday - the Sunday before Easter. The feast commemorates Jesus' entry into Jerusalem In many Christian churches worshippers carry flowers or branches (e.g. willow ones representing palm and olive branches people were welcoming Jesus with when he rode into Jerusalem). The name is designated by the names of plants substituting the original ones Zelený čtvrtek Easter Květná nedělě 1 vstoupení nahrazující uctívající boha / věřící vrbové 3

7  Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday) commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus with his Twelve Apostles What Is Holy Thursday? Video  Good Friday commemorates the Death of Jesus Christ - his Crucifixion Good Friday - What Is Good Friday? Video  Holy Saturday commemorating the burial of Christ  Easter Sunday (Easter Eve) Celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ Easter 1 Poslední večeře zmrtvýchvstání ukřižování pohřbení Krista 2

8 People say that on Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday ) all bells “ start flying to Rome”. The Pope gives them his blessing there and then they “fly back” to ring on Holy Saturday, saying “I was there, I was there”. Easter is a movable feast, it is celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon following the March equinox. The date of Easter varies between 22 March and 25 April. Easter požehnání pohyblivý 1st;2nd;3rd? úplněkrovnodennost

9 Easter is also connected with pre-Christian tradition (pagan, Celtic) Easter was originally a festival celebrating the spring equinox There are many variations of decorating eggs e.g. straw ornaments stuck to the eggshell ornaments ingraved into the coloured/dyed eggshell Catkins and young springs (the ones with yellow blossoms are called “gold rain”) as a symbol of new life often decorate our homes Easter jarní rovnodennost keltská pohanská vzory ze slámy nalepenéskořápka vzory vyryté namalované/ obarvené

10 Special food at Easter in CZ – Try to describe it on your own Beránek - a cake in the shape of a lamb of yeasty dough (might be covered in chocolate) decorated with a ribbon Nádivka -a pudding made of eggs, smoked meat and plenty of green leaves (especially young nettle leaves) and herbs with milk soaked white bread and baked. Easter cake – seems like a big bun, on the top there is a cross made by knife; it is full of raisins, brushed with beaten eggs and decorated by almond flakes and dusted with sugar. Easter

11 Boys / men go from house to house and whip girls/women with their plaited willow canes ;. They can whip them only till the noon. as a treat men can get a small glass of alcohol (to toast good health) and a ribbon to decorate their canes. Small children (boys and girls) recite poems and as a treat they get a decorated hard-boiled egg, chocolate egg and some sweets to add to their Easter baskets they carry with them. Easter - Monday básničky upletenými vrbovými pomlázkami vyšupají

12 Americans spend Easter Sunday with their families Give children dyed eggs and sweets and play an egg hunt - a play when children look for eggs which the adults hid somewhere in the house, yard or garden Easter 4

13 The Easter Bunny is a popular legendary Easter gift-giving character Many Americans follow the tradition of colouring hard-boiled eggs and giving baskets of candy On Easter Monday, the President of the United States holds an annual Easter egg roll on the White House lawn for young children. http://www.whitehouse.gov/eastereggroll New York City holds an annual Easter parade on Easter Sunday. http://www.nytimes.com/video/fashion/100000000796941/on- the-street--the-easter-parade-2011.html http://www.nytimes.com/video/fashion/100000000796941/on- the-street--the-easter-parade-2011.html Easter Velikonoční zajíc postava, která dává na Velikonoce dárky

14 After watching the video, name as many sports which were played around The White House as you can and give some examples of other activities you could see: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Easter

15 Barack Obama at this 2009 White House Easter Egg Roll Easter 5

16 It is celebrated on Easter Sunday called Easter Day in the UK Easter eggs are: – dyed and decorated eggs – made of confectionery Traditional Easter Egg Hunt is fun for children, they look for chocolate eggs hidden around the traditional meat for the main meal on Easter Day is roast lamb, served with mint sauce and vegetables. To learn more about traditions and special food at Easter (e.g. Simnel cake ) go to: http://projectbritain.com/easter/easterday.htm http://projectbritain.com/easter/easterday.htm Easter

17 Easter Monday is a Public Holiday in the UK Egg rolling is an Easter Monday sport (very popular in England and the rest of the UK) Hard-boiled eggs are rolled down a hill. The winner's egg may be the one that rolls the farthest, or survives the most rolls, or ….. As we can see the traditions in the UK and USA are very similar Suggestion: make the groups of three people and play the role of Czech, American and British citizen – make a conversation comparing your customs Easter T END

18 Zdroje Obrázky: 1.SURGUN100. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter [online]. [cit. 14.11.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b2/Resurrection_%2824 %29.jpg/250px-Resurrection_%2824%29.jpg 2.Source/Photographer: High resolution scan by http://www.haltadefinizione.com/ in collaboration with the Italian ministry of culture. {{PD-old-100}} http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_Supper [online]. [cit. 20.11.2013]. Dostupný na WWW: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4b/%C3%9Altima_Cena_ -_Da_Vinci_5.jpg/800px-%C3%9Altima_Cena_-_Da_Vinci_5.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4b/%C3%9Altima_Cena_ -_Da_Vinci_5.jpg/800px-%C3%9Altima_Cena_-_Da_Vinci_5.jpg 3. U.S. NAVY PHOTO BY MASS COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST 3RD CLASS BRIAN MAY. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ash_Wednesday [online]. [cit. 20.11.2013]. Dostupný na Wikimedia Commons WWW: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cf/US_Navy_080206-N- 7869M- 057_Electronics_Technician_3rd_Class_Leila_Tardieu_receives_the_sacramental_ash es_during_an_Ash_Wednesday_celebration.jpg/800px-US_Navy_080206-N-7869M- 057_Electronics_Technician_3rd_Class_Leila_Tardieu_receives_the_sacramental_ash es_during_an_Ash_Wednesday_celebration.jpg

19 4JUSTABALDGUY. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:HidingEasterEggs.jpg [online]. [cit. 24.11.2013]. Dostupný naCommons Creative na WWW: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/07/HidingEasterEgg s.jpg/800px-HidingEasterEggs.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/07/HidingEasterEgg s.jpg/800px-HidingEasterEggs.jpg 5. SOUZA, Pete. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/37/Barack_Obama_at_this _2009_White_House_Easter_Egg_Roll.jpg [online]. [cit. 24.11.2013]. Dostupný na Wikimedia Commons naWWW: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/37/Barack_Obama _at_this_2009_White_House_Easter_Egg_Roll.jpg/800px- Barack_Obama_at_this_2009_White_House_Easter_Egg_Roll.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/37/Barack_Obama _at_this_2009_White_House_Easter_Egg_Roll.jpg/800px- Barack_Obama_at_this_2009_White_House_Easter_Egg_Roll.jpg MS Office publikace 1.CHUDÁ, Jana; CHUDÝ, Tomáš. Topics for English Conversation. Havlíčkův Brod: Fragment, 1995, ISBN 80-85768-97-6. 2.FILIPOVÁ, Lea. Czech Cookery. Zlín: Slovart Publishing,Prague, 2009, ISBN 978 80 7391 281 9.

Stáhnout ppt "NÁZEV ŠKOLY : Gymnázium Lovosice, Sady pionýrů 600/6 ČÍSLO PROJEKTU : CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1073 NÁZEV MATERIÁLU : VY_32_INOVACE_3B_18_Customs- Easter TÉMA."

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