Základní škola Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj 538 43 Třemošnice, Internátní 217; IČ: 70989176, tel: 469 661 719, emaiI:

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Prezentace na téma: "Základní škola Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj 538 43 Třemošnice, Internátní 217; IČ: 70989176, tel: 469 661 719, emaiI:"— Transkript prezentace:

1 Základní škola Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj 538 43 Třemošnice, Internátní 217; IČ: 70989176, tel: 469 661 719, emaiI: zskola@tremosnice.cz, www.zs-tremosnice.cz Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.2459 Název: Škola pro každého – kvalita a efektivnost ve využití lidských zdrojůzskola@tremosnice.czwww.zs-tremosnice.cz Výukový materiál VY_22_INOVACE_26_ Requests, invitations, suggestions. Název materiálu (téma): Requests, invitations, suggestions. Sada:Angličtina,2. stupeň Autor: Mgr. Alena Chaloupková Anotace: Requests, invitations, suggestions. (práce s interaktivní tabulí, pracovní list) © Výukový materiál je majetkem ZŠ Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj, 2012

2 Teacher: Mgr. Alena Chaloupková Class: 9 Date : 7 March 2013 Subject: English Topic: Requests, invitation, suggestion. Key words: Conversation everyday expression. Type of interactivity: Interactive board and worksheets. This exercise can be used for practice of everyday talking with the aim to strengthen pupils‘ communication competence. Requests, invitations, suggestions.

3 Complete the conversations. Choose the best answer(a, b or c). 1 Could I borrow your textbook? A Yes, go up. B Yes, I am sure. C Yes, help yourself. _______________________________________________________________________________ 2 Have a nice weekend. A I think so. B Thank you, I will. C Yes, a lot. _______________________________________________________________________________ 3 Could you pass me the sugar? A Yes, sure. B I have much. C It is going. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4 Would you mind if I left school? A No, go away. B Yes, no problem. C Oh, I can‘t do it. _______________________________________________________________________________ 5 Would you like to go to the cinema? A I am sorry I can‘t. B It is too far. C What a pity!

4 Complete the conversations. Choose the best answer(a, b or c). 6 Where shall we go this afternoon? A The cinema is quite far from here. B I don‘t like films. C Let‘s go to the cinema. _______________________________________________________________________________ 7 Which of the girls is your sister? A She says I am OK. B Yes, she is, isn‘t she? C That one over there. _______________________________________________________________________________ 8 What about going to the sports centre? A OK, that‘s a good idea. B Yes, you do. C I am sorry about that. _______________________________________________________________________________ 9 Why don‘t we try the new fast food restaurant? A It is the same for me. B I don‘t mind. C Of course you can. _______________________________________________________________________________ 10I am sorry I‘m late. A I‘ll clear it up. B Sorry to keep you waiting. C That‘s OK. Don‘t worry.

5 Key: 1C 2B 3A 4B 5A 6C 7C 8A 9B 10C

6 Literature: Stuart Redman: English Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge University Press, 2001, ISBN 0 521 55 737 2 Inspired by Key English Test 5, Cambridge University Press, 2010, ISBN 978-0-521-123051

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