SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 TYPES OF BUSINESS LETTERS Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Suková EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154.

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1 SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 TYPES OF BUSINESS LETTERS Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Suková EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154

2 SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 2 Tematický okruhObchodní angličtina – typy obchodních dopisů AnotaceDUM je určen studentům 1. ročníku OA a EL. Studenti jsou zde seznámeni se základními druhy obchodních dopisů. Metodický pokynPrvní část tohoto DUMu slouží jako výkladový materiál. Ve druhé části si potom studenti ověří své znalosti formou doplňovacích cvičení. Druh materiáluprezentace, procvičení Datum tvorby 10. 11. 2012 Číslo materiálu VY_32_INOVACE_Su2_5

3 SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 TYPES OF BUSINESS LETTERS 1. Application letter - written as a request for a job 2. Apology – written if you are sorry for doing something wrong 3. Condolence – sympathy for someone who has had something bad happen to them, especially when someone has died 4. Congratulation – a letter used when you are happy that someone has achieved something 5. Covering letter – is a short document where you describe yourself and the position you would like to apply for 6. Inquiry – a letter written in order to ask some information about a product or certain service EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 3

4 SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 7. Invitation – a card/letter inviting somebody to attend a party, banquet… 8. Invoice – a list of goods that have been supplied or work that has been done, showing how much you owe for them 9. Notice – a letter that tells your employer that they will have to leave the job 10. Offer – a statement where you tell your customers that something is available to be bought, chosen, or used 11. Order – a request by a customer to a company to get some goods 12. Praise – words of thanks and respect to somebody who has done something special for you or your company 13. Reminder - it that makes you notice, remember, or think about something EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 4

5 SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 14. Request – a demand/asking for something 15. Thank-you letter – a letter written when you would like to appreciate that somebody has done for you EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 5

6 SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 Guess types of business letters Guess types of business letters i 1. When somebody wants you to come to their wedding or banquet they send you an i________. a 2. When you are sorry for doing something wrong you write an a________ letter. o 3. When you want to buy books from some company you will write an o________. c 4. When somebody has died you will send their family a c_________. 5. Something with a list of goods that have been supplied to you is i an i_________. pc 6. When you want to express that you are happy about something your employees did you write a p__________ or a c__________. EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 6

7 SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 Read the following parts of business letters and name them: 1. …I am writing in response to your advertisement for an English teacher which appeared on the Monster.com website on 10 th August 2012…2. …It was with deep regret that we learned today about the sudden death of your colleague and our long-time business partner, Michael Knoxville…3. …Would you please send me the following books? English Pronunciation EA456 1 £ 10.00 Vocabulary in Use EA1258 2 £ 25.004. …I have found your hotel on an Internet accomodation server. I would be most grateful if you could send me some information about business conference facilities at your hotel… EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 7

8 SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 6. Bill to: SONNO, Ltd. 987, Oak Street Item Units Price Business English 15 £ 160.507. …We would like to introduce to your company our new quality furniture. Until May 25 th it is going to be sold with a special discounted price… EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 8

9 SPŠ stavební a Obchodní akademie, Kladno, Cyrila Boudy 2954 EU peníze školám CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0154 9 Použité zdroje Obrázky aplikace Microsoft Office

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