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DIGITÁLNÍ UČEBNÍ MATERIÁL Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0124 Název projektu DUM Škola budoucnosti s využitím IT VY_3_INOVACE_ANJ43 Název školySPŠ a.

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Prezentace na téma: "DIGITÁLNÍ UČEBNÍ MATERIÁL Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0124 Název projektu DUM Škola budoucnosti s využitím IT VY_3_INOVACE_ANJ43 Název školySPŠ a."— Transkript prezentace:


2 DIGITÁLNÍ UČEBNÍ MATERIÁL Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0124 Název projektu DUM Škola budoucnosti s využitím IT VY_3_INOVACE_ANJ43 Název školySPŠ a SOŠGS Most PředmětANJ Tematická oblastObchod a služby TémaObchody - druhy Ročník1,2- obchodník, prodavač Jméno autoraLudmila Křížová Datum tvorby25.03.2013 AnotacePrezentace slouží k výkladu tématu Obchody, druhy obchodů, zároveň lze tuto prezentaci využít jako materiálu pro opakování a prověřování znalostí žáků.

3 Shops

4 Types of shops  Shopping mall/centre  Supermarket, hypermarket  Department store  Chain store  Boutique  Street market

5 Types of shops  Discount stores  Retail chain stores  Shopping online  Shopping catalogues and shipment  Local corner shop  Warehouse retailer

6 Types of shops  baker's - you can buy bread, buns, rolls etc.  bookshop - you can buy books  boutique - a small shop that sells expensive fashionable clothes  butcher's - you can buy meat products  clothes shop - you can buy shirts, trousers etc.  department store - a large shop (many floors), where you can buy almost everything

7 Types of shops  fishmonger's - sells fish and fish products  florist's - you can buy flowers  giftshop - you can buy souvenirs or little gifts  greengrocer's - you can buy fruits and vegetables  grocer's - sells food and some things for home

8 Types of shops  hardware store - you can buy tools etc.  chemist's - you can buy medicine, soap, cosmetics etc.  jeweller's - you can buy rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces etc.  newsagent's - you can buy newspapers and magazines

9 Types of shops  stationer's - you can buy paper, pens, pins etc.  sweetshop - you can buy sweets, desserts, ice cream etc.  tobacconist's - you can buy cigarettes, cigars etc.  toy shop –you can buy toys  video shop - you can rent videos or DVD's

10 Match places to buy goods with their definition: 1. Department storean open place where people buy and sell goods 2. Discount storea small open hut selling newspapers 3. Shopping centrea small shop selling fashionable clothes 4. Supermarketa large shop divided into smaller parts in which different types of goods are sold 5. Marketa store that sells goods at reduced prices 6. Street vendora small open-front shop in a public place 7. Boutiquea large shop selling mainly food where you serve yourself 8. Kioska group of shops of different kinds, planned as a whole

11 Here is a right answer! 1. Department storea large shop divided into smaller parts in which different types of goods are sold 2. Discount storea store that sells goods at reduced prices 3. Shopping centrea group of shops of different kinds, planned as a whole 4. Supermarketa large shop selling mainly food where you serve yourself 5. Marketan open place where people buy and sell goods 6. Street vendora small open-front shop in a public place 7. Boutiquea small shop selling fashionable clothes 8. Kioska small open hut selling newspapers

12 In which shops would you buy the following items? 1. oranges, onionsDrinks 2. aspirin, vitaminsClothes shop 3. rolls, bread, cakesStationer´s 4. mutton, sausagesNewsagent´s 5. newspapers, magazinesChemist ´s 6. pens, writing paperGreengrocer´s 7. dress, shirtButcher ´s 8. wine,beer, vodkaBaker´s

13 Right answer: 1. oranges, onionsGreengrocer´s 2. aspirin, vitaminsChemist´s 3. rolls, bread, cakesBaker´s 4. mutton, sausagesButcher ´s 5. newspapers, magazinesNewsagent´s 6. pens, writing paperStationer´s 7. dress, shirtClothes shop 8. wine,beer, vodkaDrinks

14 Zdroje:  Novotný, Mojmír.Obchodní provoz. Nakladatelství Fortuna. Praha, 2003, ISBN 80-7168-845-2  El-Hmoudová, Dagmar. Angličtina-maturitní témata.2.,upr.vyd. Třebíč: Petra Velanová, 2008, ISBN 978-80-86873-04-6  Obrázky: Galerie Klipart /cit. 25.3.2013/, dostupné pod licenci Microsoft Office 2007 na cz/images/

15  Vít, Marek. Help for English. Shops /online/.Vydáno 22.10.2005./cit. 2013-25-03. Dostupné z 31-shops

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