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Australia geography history places of interest. NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Gymnázium Lovosice, Sady pionýrů 600/6 ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1073 NÁZEV MATERIÁLU:

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Prezentace na téma: "Australia geography history places of interest. NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Gymnázium Lovosice, Sady pionýrů 600/6 ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1073 NÁZEV MATERIÁLU:"— Transkript prezentace:

1 Australia geography history places of interest

2 NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Gymnázium Lovosice, Sady pionýrů 600/6 ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1073 NÁZEV MATERIÁLU: VY_32_INOVACE_5B_18_Australia TÉMA SADY: Konverzační témata a specifická slovní zásoba z angličtiny ROČNÍK: oktáva/4.A DATUM VZNIKU: březen 2014 AUTOR: Mgr. Lucie Kučerová

3 Anotace  tento výukový materiál slouží k osvojení znalostí nutných ke zvládnutí maturitního tématu Australia v angličtině a je určen k prezentaci na interaktivní tabuli všechny snímky jsou opatřený animací, čímž vzniká prostor pro interakci studentů a komunikaci v angličtině faktografické informace jsou v prezentaci ilustrovány fotografiemi, které se v některých případech objeví po kliknutí v okamžiku, kdy se o daném faktu hovoří v prezentaci; při následujícím kliknutí zase zmizí, aby nerušily v pokračování prezentace materiál je opatřen dvěma hypertextovými odkazy na stránku; první je umístěn ve snímku číslo deset a odkazuje na krátký film o Sydney, druhý je na konci prezentaci v obrazci „movie“ a odkazuje na dokument o Austrálii prezentace je koncipována tak, aby vzniklo co nejvíce prostoru pro aktivní zapojení studentů do hodiny

4 Basic facts  The sixth largest country in the world  Area: 7.68 million sq km  Population: 22.7 million; 1,5% of Aborigines; 3 people per sq km  Official language: English  Official name: Commonwealth of Australia  The capital: Canberra  The largest city: Sydney  Other large cities: Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide

5 Interesting details  The name comes from Latin terra australia (=southern land)  Strong British infuence: language, cars drive on the left, the national game is cricket  The flag  Union Jack in the upper left corner, five stars of the Southern Cross, one big star to represent all the states and territories  The highest point: Mount Kosciusco  The lowest point: Lake Eyre

6 Politics  Six states  Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania  federally represented in parliament  Two territories:  Northern Territory, Austalian Capital Territory  a part of the British Commonwealth  the head of the state: Queen Elizabeth II  the Queen is represented by a Governor General  the head of the government: the Prime Minister (Tony Abbott)  the most powerful position  the key representative of Australia

7 History  Ice Age: about10,000 years ago Aborigines came from Asia  Australia was cut off thanks to higher sea level  17th century: Dutch explorer Abel Tasman discovered Australia  18th century: Captain James Cook (British) claimed the land for Britain; British criminals were sent there  19th century: ordinary British and Irish people started their new live there, at first thanks to gold rush, later on followed by immigrants from Asian and other European countries

8 Nature and climate  Specific flora and fauna thanks to long-term isolation  Endemic species: kangaroo, koala, platypus  home of the most dangerous animals in the world (snakes, spiders, sharks, crocodiles, jellyfish)  90% of the land very dry (=outback) with huge sheep and cattle farms  20% of that is desert  South-east coast has moderate conditions  natural disasters: droughts, bushfires, floods, cyclones, heatwaves

9 Industry and agriculture  12th largest economy in the world  Agricultural products:  meat, fruit, vegatables, wool, wine  Natural resources:  gold, silver, iron, copper, coal, diamonds  industry dominated by service sector and mining  tourism plays an important role as well

10 Sydney  the largest and most populous city  Australian South-East coast, on Tasman Sea  Harbour Bridge  Opera House  The Olympics in 2000 held there

11 Places of interest Great Barrier Reef  the world‘s largest coral reef system  located in the Coral Sea, Queensland  labeled as one of the seven natural world wonders

12 Places of interest Uluru  Ayers Rock  a large sandstone rock formation  in Northern Territory, central Australia  glows red at dawn and sunset

13 Places of interest Kakadu National Park  Northern territory of Australia  covers the area of almost 20,000 km 2  variety of wildlife:  birds, mammals, plants etc.  river and landform systems:  hills, basins, floodplains etc.

14 Places of Interest Fraser Island  listed on national world heritage site  located along the southern coast of Queensland  rainforests, eucalyptus woodland, mangrove forests, swamps, sand dunes movie

15 Zdroje obrázků  STEINER, Thomas. [online]. [cit. 18.3.2014]. Dostupný na WWW:  FIEGGEN, Ian. [online]. [cit. 18.3.2014]. Dostupný na WWW:  DILIFF. [online]. [cit. 15.3.2014]. Dostupný na WWW:  NASA GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER. [online]. [cit. 15.3.2014]. Dostupný na WWW:  LEONARD G.. [online]. [cit. 15.3.2014]. Dostupný na WWW:  LING, Richard. [online]. [cit. 15.3.2014]. Dostupný na WWW:  TOURISM NT. [online]. [cit. 15.3.2014]. Dostupný na WWW:  TOURISM NT. [online]. [cit. 15.3.2014]. Dostupný na WWW:  SENSENMANN. [online]. [cit. 15.3.2014]. Dostupný na WWW:  MAJKELX. [online]. [cit. 15.3.2014]. Dostupný na WWW:  galerie microsoft office, včetně webu

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