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ZveřejnilNikola Vávrová
NÁZEV ŠKOLY : Gymnázium Lovosice, Sady pionýrů 600/6 ČÍSLO PROJEKTU : CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.1073 NÁZEV MATERIÁLU : VY_32_INOVACE_3B_01_The United Kingdom TÉMA SADY : Anglický jazyk ROČNÍK : 3., 4. ročník/septima, oktáva DATUM VZNIKU : říjen 2012 AUTOR : Mgr. Petra Dušánková
ANOTACE Materiál je určen pro přípravu žáků k ústní maturitní zkoušce z anglického jazyka. Žáci si zopakují a prohloubí znalosti o Velké Británii formou prezentace. Materiál je určen pro interaktivní tabuli, v úvodním kvízu žáci zjistí své dosavadní znalosti, dále pomocí pera doplňují informace zjištěné z mapy. Po kliknutí na God Save the Queen (s.4 ) si poslechnou britskou hymnu a kliknutím na Union Jack (s.4) zjistí, jak vznikla britská vlajka. Část Geography (s.5) a Economy (s.7) žáci doplňují perem po vyhledání údajů na mapě Velké Británie a v učebnici. Správné odpovědi jsou na stranách 6 a 8 Na závěr si zopakují probranou látku podle dané osnovy.
THE UNITED KINGDOM General knowledge quiz: 1.How many parts does the U.K. consist of? 2.What is the capital of the country? 3.Who is the head of the country? 4.Which famous British can you name? 5.What historical events/personalities have you learnt about?
Some basic facts about the U.K. Official name: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Capital: London Population: around 60 million inhabitants Anthem: God Save the QueenGod Save the Queen Flag: Union JackUnion Jack Parts and their capitals: England (London), Scotland (Edinburgh), Wales (Cardiff) and Northern Ireland (Belfast) Languages: English, Scottish and Irish Gaelic, Welsh Currency: £ = pound (1pound=100 pence)
Geography (work with the map of the U.K.) The U.K. is located … The most important rivers are … The highest mountain ranges are … The highest peak of Britain is … The largest lakes are … The largest cities are …
The U.K. is located on the British Isles, off the north-west coast of Europe, across the English Channel, surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean The most important rivers are the Thames, the Severn, the Mersey The highest mountain ranges are in the North of Scotland (the Scottish Highlands) The highest peak of Britain is Ben Nevis (1,343m) The largest lakes are in Northern Ireland (Lough Neagh), North-East England (the Lake District) and in Scotland (Loch Ness) The largest cities are London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, Newcastle, Leeds
Climate The U.K. climate is temperate and humid (it is an island country) – mild winters, not very hot summers, a lot of rain, changeable weather Economy (work with your book) Raw materials: Industry: Agriculture:
Economy Raw materials: coal, oil, natural gas, iron ore Industry: heavy and light engineering, electrical engineering, aero engines, shipbuilding, chemical industry, consumer goods, textile industry, mining, whisky distilleries, wool production, food production (jam, biscuits, cheese) Agriculture: cattle, sheep, poultry breeding, wheat, barley, potatoes, fruit and vegetables, fishing
Revision outline: Official name, capital, population, anthem, flag, U.K. parts and capitals, languages, currency Geography (where located, mountains, rivers, lakes, large cities) Climate Economy (raw materials, industry, agriculture)
Zdroje: AUTOR NEUVEDEN. [online]. [cit. 16.12.2012]. Dostupný na WWW: britanie-god-save-the-queen AUTOR NEUVEDEN. [online]. [cit. 16.12.2012]. Dostupný na WWW: %A1lovstv%C3%AD
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