Anotace Žáci se seznámí jak správně používat složené tvary some, any, no ( something, anything.. ). K pochopení této problematiky přispěje celá řada příkladů.

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Prezentace na téma: "Anotace Žáci se seznámí jak správně používat složené tvary some, any, no ( something, anything.. ). K pochopení této problematiky přispěje celá řada příkladů."— Transkript prezentace:


2 Anotace Žáci se seznámí jak správně používat složené tvary some, any, no ( something, anything.. ). K pochopení této problematiky přispěje celá řada příkladů. Na konci prezentace je cvičení a překlad, kde si mohou žáci prověřit své znalosti.

3 Složené tvary something ? anything nobody anybody nothing everybody

4 I would like something to buy.

5 Do you remember basic rules? Have you got any money ? I've got some money.

6 Some používáme v nabídce nebo žádosti, i když se jedná o otázku…

7 -body (person) -thing ( thing) -where (place) EVERYBODYEVERYWHERE SOMETHING ANYTHINGANYWHERE NOBODYNOWHERE Complete the table.

8 -body (person) -thing ( thing) -where (place) EVERYBODYEVERYTHINGEVERYWHERE SOMEBODYSOMETHINGSOMEWHERE ANYBODYANYTHINGANYWHERE NOBODYNOTHINGNOWHERE NO ONE je jediné spojení, které se píše zvlášť, nebo s pomlčkou NO-ONE. NOONE somebody=someone anybody=anyone nobody=no one For people you can also use -one

9 Složené tvary SOME, ANY a NO se řídí všemi výše uvedenými pravidly. Zde je jejich český překlad: SOMETHING (něco) SOMEBODY (někdo) SOMEONE (někdo) SOMEWHERE (někde) ANYTHING (něco, nic, cokoliv) ANYBODY (někdo, nikdo, kdokoliv) ANYONE (někdo, nikdo, kdokoliv ANYWHERE (někde, nikde, kdekoliv) NOTHING (nic) NOBODY (nikdo) NO ONE (nikdo) NOWHERE (nikde) v záporných větách a v otázce v kladných větách

10 I can hear something. -kladná oznamovací věta, proto SOME... Can you hear anything? - tázací věta, proto ANY... I can't hear anything. - záporná věta, proto ANY... I met ____________ at the party. Proč užijeme somebody? Proč užijeme anybody? Why do we use anybody?I didn't meet __________ at the party. Did you meet __________ at the party? somebody Somebody or anybody ? anybody

11 There is nobody here. There isn‘t _______________. Complete this sentence. The second sentence has to mean the same as the first. anybody here

12 We heard nobody. We didn‘t hear anybody. Nobody listened. Anybody didn‘t listen. Which of the following sentences is not correct? Why do you think the last sentence is wrong, but the second sentence is correct? We cannot use any and a negative when any is the subject of the sentence. ? Nobody = the subject

13 1.I‘ve got __________ in my eye. 2.I can hear voices. There‘s _________ in there. 3.I‘m bored. I‘ve got __________ to do. 4.Has __________ phoned me today? 5.I had a dream last night, but I can‘t remember _________. 6.I phoned Ella, but __________ answered. 7.__________ is here now, so we can start. 8.__________ is waiting for you. 9.Is there __________ interesting on TV? 10.You should tell ___________ about the problem. 11.He doesn’t know__________at the tennis centre. 12.There’s __________ you can do for him. 13.There wasn’t __________ in my bag. 14.Did __________ solve the crossword? 15.__________ told them I was on holiday. 16.They don’t say __________. Fill in somebody, something, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing, everybody KEY

14 1.I‘ve got something in my eye. 2.I can hear voices. There‘s somebody in there. 3.I‘m bored. I‘ve got nothing to do. 4.Has anybody phoned me today? 5.I had a dream last night, but I can‘t remember anything. 6.I phoned Ella, but nobody answered. 7.Everybody is here now, so we can start. 8.Somebody is waiting for you. 9.Is there anything interesting on TV? 10.You should tell somebody about the problem. 11.He doesn’t know anybody at the tennis centre. 12.There’s something you can do for him. 13.There wasn’t anything in my bag. 14.Did anybody solve the crossword? 15.Somebody told them I was on hoday. 16.They don’t say anything. KEY

15 1.S někým jsem se na večírku seznámil. 2.Seznámil ses s někým na večírku? 3.S nikým jsem se na tom večírku neseznámil. 4.Nikdo mi nepomohl. 5.Někdo mi pomohl. 6.Slyšíš něco? 7.Něco slyším. 8.Nic neslyším. Translate:

16 1. I met somebody / someone at the party. 2. Did you meet anybody /anyone at the party? 3. I didn't meet anybody at the party 4. No one / nobody helped me. 5. Somebody /someone helped me. 6. Can you hear anything? 7. I can hear something. 8. I can't hear anything. KEY

17 One pupil makes a sentence with nothing., for example:  There is nothing in the fridge. The next pupil uses the same sentence, but changes nothing to anything. The next pupil uses something and the following person uses everything.  Is there anything in the fridge?  There is something in the fridge.  We‘ve got everything in the fridge The next pupil begins with nobody and a new sentence. Continue untill all pupils have made a sentence.

18 VÍT, Marek. SOME vs. ANY [online]. [cit. 24.2.2014]. Dostupný na WWW: I can hear something. - kladná oznamovací věta, proto SOME... MURPHY, Raymond. English Grammar in Use. Singapore: Cambridge University Press, 2004, ISBN 978 0521 755481. HUTCHINSON, Tom; EDWARDS, Lynda. Project 3. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008, ISBN 978-0-19-476416-2. PETERS, Sarah; GRÁF, Tomáš. Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky. Praha: Polyglot, spol.s r.o., 2007, ISBN 80-86 195-00-7. Obrázky : Galerie Microsoft Office – klipart Citace:

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