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ZveřejnilMarta Konečná
Střední škola a Vyšší odborná škola cestovního ruchu, Senovážné náměstí 12, České Budějovice 370 01 Č ÍSLO PROJEKTU CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0423 Č ÍSLO MATERIÁLU 5. NÁZEV ŠKOLY Střední škola a Vyšší odborná škola cestovního ruchu, Senovážné náměstí 12, České Budějovice 370 01 A UTOR Mgr. Alena Zelenková T ÉMATICKÝ CELEK Australia - quiz and crossword R OČNÍK 1.- 4. D ATUM TVORBY Červenec 2013
Anotace: Kvíz a křížovku je možné využít při výuce maturitních témat z anglického jazyka, konkrétně tématu English speaking countries – Australia. Kvíz je zaměřen na zajímavosti a fakta spojená se životem v Austrálii. Slouží k procvičení a rozšíření slovní zásoby. Lze doplnit DUMem č.20,ve kterém je všestranná prezentace o Austrálii.. Lze využít pro studenty 1.-4. ročníku. Metodické pokyny: Při řešení křížovky a odpovídání na kvízové otázky si studenti opakují své znalosti o Austrálii. Lze využít při výkladu i při opakování tématu.
What are typical features? What do you know about geography?
Quiz: 1. How many states and territories are there in Australia? a)5 states and 3 territories b)6 states and 2 territories c) 8 states and no territories 2. What is the official name of the Australian state? a)Australia b)The Australian Republic c)The Commonwealth of Australia 3. The capital of Australia is….. a) Sydney b)Melbourne c)Canberra 4. What was the “First Fleet“? a) a set of planes which fought against the Nazist during the World War II b) a set of ships which brought over 700 convicts to Australia on May 13, 1787 c) a set of vehicles which went out in the state of Victoria to look for gold and and started the gold rush in 1850 5. What does Anzac Day commemorate? a) The Gallipoli landing in Turkey during World War I b) Armistice Day –the signing of the agreement between the British and the Aborigines about ending their war c) victory in the Pacific during World War II
Quiz: 1. How many states and territories are there in Australia? a)5 states and 3 territories b)6 states and 2 territories c) 8 states and no territories 2. What is the official name of the Australian state? a)Australia b)The Australian Republic c)The Commonwealth of Australia 3. The capital of Australia is….. a) Sydney b)Melbourne c)Canberra 4. What was the “First Fleet“? a) a set of planes which fought against the Nazist during the World War II b) a set of ships which brought over 700 convicts to Australia on May 13, 1787 c) a set of vehicles which went out in the state of Victoria to look for gold and and started the gold rush in 1850 5. What does Anzac Day commemorate? a) The Gallipoli landing in Turkey during World War I b) Armistice Day –the signing of the agreement between the British and the Aborigines about ending their war c) victory in the Pacific during World War II
Quiz: 6. Why is the date of September 17, 1900 important in Australian history? a) King George VI announced that Australia is leaving the British Commonwealth b)Queen Elizabeth I announced that the Commonwealth of Australia will be recognized on January 1, 1901 c) Queen Victoria announced that the Commonwealth of Australia will be recognized on January 1, 1901 7. What is the name of the original inhabitants of Australia? a) the Inuits b) the Maoris c) the Aborigines 8. What are the names of the oceans which surround the Australian continent? a) The Pacific and Atlantic Oceans b) The Indian and Pacific Oceans c) The Indian and Atlantic Oceans 9. Select the correct statement: a) At first, Melbourne was the capital and in 1927 it was succeeded by Canberra. b) At first, Sydney was the capital and in 1934 it was succeeded by Melbourne. c) Canberra has been the only capital city in Australian history. 10. Which are the most popular sports in Australia? a) surfing and rugby b) cricket and tennis c) swimming and horse racing
Quiz: 6. Why is the date of September 17, 1900 important in Australian history? a) King George VI announced that Australia is leaving the British Commonwealth b)Queen Elizabeth I announced that the Commonwealth of Australia will be recognized on January 1, 1901 c) Queen Victoria announced that the Commonwealth of Australia will be recognized on January 1, 1901 7. What is the name of the original inhabitants of Australia? a) the Inuits b) the Maoris c) the Aborigines 8. What are the names of the oceans which surround the Australian continent? a) The Pacific and Atlantic Oceans b) The Indian and Pacific Oceans c) The Indian and Atlantic Oceans 9. Select the correct statement: a) At first, Melbourne was the capital and in 1927 it was succeeded by Canberra. b) At first, Sydney was the capital and in 1934 it was succeeded by Melbourne. c) Canberra has been the only capital city in Australian history. 10. Which are the most popular sports in Australia? a) surfing and rugby b) cricket and tennis c) swimming and horse racing
Quiz: 11. The school year in Australia … a) starts at the end of January /beginning of February and finishes in the middle of December b) starts at the beginning of March and finishes at the end of December c) starts at the beginning of September and finishes at the end of June 12. Who is the head of Australia? a) The President b) the British monarch represented by the Governor General c) the Prime Minister 13. Australian Open ( tennis tournament) is held in…. a) Melbourne b) Sydney c) Perth 14. Australia Day (the oficial national day)is celebrated on : a)January, 26 b) January, 1 c) December, 24 15. Vegemite is: a) a popular meal,which consists of lamb and potatoes b a popular salty spread for sandwiches, toasts and cracker buiscuits c) a popular sweet spread for sandwiches, toasts and cracker buiscuits
Quiz: 11. The school year in Australia … a) starts at the end of January /beginning of February and finishes in the middle of December b) starts at the beginning of March and finishes at the end of December c) starts at the beginning of September and finishes at the end of June 12. Who is the head of Australia? a) The President b) the British monarch represented by the Governor General c) the Prime Minister 13. Australian Open ( tennis tournament) is held in…. a) Melbourne b) Sydney c) Perth 14. Australia Day (the oficial national day)is celebrated on : a)January, 26 b) January, 1 c) December, 24 15. Vegemite is: a) a popular meal,which consists of lamb and potatoes b a popular salty spread for sandwiches, toasts and cracker buiscuits c) a popular sweet spread for sandwiches, toasts and cracker buiscuits
X X X 1.The highest mountain in Australia is…? 2. The capital city of Australia is…? 3. Brisbane is the capital city of …?? 4. Australian dog is called…?? 5. Typical Australian bear is…?? 6. Australia used to be the colony of…?? 7. Who landed in Australia in 1770? 8. How were the first people in Australia named?
12 EISELTOVÁ. Maturitní otázky z angličtiny s Labyrintem. Vyd. 1. Brno: Computer Press, 2007, viii, 183 s., [40] s. obr. příl. ISBN 978-80-251-1754-5.
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