The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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1 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Basic information Prepared by Jana Bártová

2 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
What are the four parts of UK and their capitals? What is the name of the UK flag?

3 Parts of UK and their capitals
England – London Scotland – Edinburgh Wales – Cardiff Northern Ireland – Belfast Flag – called ‘Union Jack’

4 What are these cities famous for?
England B i g c i t i e s London Oxford Cambridge Brighton Liverpool Manchester What are these cities famous for?

5 England B i g c i t i e s London – capital city Oxford - university
Cambridge - university Brighton – beaches, recreational area Liverpool – industry, football team Manchester – industry, football team

6 Scotland What is typical for this part of UK?
Look at these pictures and tell me

7 Scotland Loch Ness Monster Lives in lake Loch Ness Is called ‘Nessie’
Bagpipes It is a musical instrument Bagpipers wear kilts (it is a skirt for men)

8 Wales It is a land full of mystery and beauty: Many castles
Snow-capped mountains Green valleys Sea resorts

9 Northern Ireland Beautiful countryside BUT
Fights Protestants against Catholics

10 Who is the head of the country now?
Political system of UK UK is the monarchy – It means that the head of the country is the KING or QUEEN. Who is the head of the country now?

11 Political system The head is: Elizabeth II
She lives in Buckingham Palace in London

12 Do you know these people?
Famous People Do you know these people? What is (was) their job? William Shakespeare J.K. Rowling Elton John Orlando Bloom David Beckham Lewis Hamilton

13 Famous People William Shakespeare – dramatist and writer
J.K. Rowling – writer, author of Harry Potter Elton John - musician

14 Famous People Orlando Bloom – actor David Beckhem – footballer
Lewis Hamilton – formulae 1 driver

15 Which sports have their origin in UK?
Football Rugby Hockey Cricket Golf Boxing Lawn tennis

16 Sport The answer is: ALL OF THEM!!! (The rules were codified in UK)

17 Sport Every year in June there is one famous tennis grand slam tournament. Do you know its name? Hint: The viewers eat strawberries and cream

18 Sport Wimbledon

19 Holidays Look at these pictures and name 3 typical English holidays:

20 Holidays Halloween

21 Holidays Guy Fawkes Night

22 Holidays Christmas

23 What food is typically British? Guess:
Food and drink What food is typically British? Guess: fish and chips

24 Food Ham and eggs

25 Food Afternoon tea

26 Food Whiskey

27 Fashion What was first made in UK? Nylon stockings Miniskirts Purses
Correct Answer b)

28 What do you remember? 1) What is the official title of this country?
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 2) What is the capital city of Scotland? Edinburgh 3) What is Brighton famous for? Beaches, recreational area

29 What do you remember? 4) What are bagpipes? Musical instrument
5) Where does the Queen live? In Buckingham Palace 6) Who is Elton John? Musician

30 What do you remember? 7) What do viewers eat at Wimbledon?
strawberries and cream 8) What do British drink at 5pm? tea (with milk and have a cake) 9) What piece of fashion was first made in UK? miniskirts

31 Sources Escott, J: Factfiles of England. OUP 2008
Odehnalova,J.: Reading about English Speaking Countries. Praha rok neuveden My own pictures and knowledge

32 The End Thanks for your kind attention.

33 Your project The Royal family Scotland Big cities Famous people
Music, musicians, bands Films, actors, directors Sport and games Food Christmas Other holidays

34 Projekt OP VK 1.4 60799081 Metodický list INFORMACE O AUTOROVI
Jméno a příjmení: Jana Bártová Kontakt: Tel.: Škola: ZŠ Studénka, Butovická 346, okres Nový Jičín Adresa: Butovická 346, Studénka Číslo klíčové aktivity: III/2 Název klíčové aktivity: Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Sada: D5 PŘEDMĚT A CÍL HODINY Tematický celek: Unit Great Britain and the Sea Třída: 8.AB Cíl klíčové aktivity : Získat základní informace o životě ve Velké Británii Oborové cíle klíčové aktivity: Žák si zopakuje znalosti získané na hodinách zeměpisu o poloze Velké Británie a rozšíří své znalosti o jednotlivých částech Velké Británie a typických rysech Klíčové kompetence: Komunikativní, k učení Kompetenční cíle: K učení – propojuje různé informace v širších souvislostech, vyvozuje poznatky z učení a obhajuje je Komunikativní – dodržuje pravidla diskuze, získává informace v anglickém jazyce a zapojuje se do diskuze v cizím jazyce – formuluje své myšlenky a co nejsrozumitelněji je za pomocí vyučujícího prezentuje Časový odhad: 45 minut

35 Zdroje: Escott, J: Factfiles of England. OUP 2008 Odehnalova,J.: Reading about English Speaking Countries. Praha, rok neuveden Vlastní obrázky

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