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ZveřejnilAndrea Staňková
Datum: 3.3.2013 Projekt: Kvalitní výuka Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0731 Číslo DUM: VY_22_INOVACE_9 Jméno autora: Irena Moučková Název práce: In a shop - dialogue Předmět: anglický jazyk Ročník: 1 Časová dotace: 30 minut Vzdělávací cíl: Výukový materiál v powerpointu slouží k procvičení a zopakování slovní zásoby a frází z oblasti nakupování, včetně řešení, automatizují si vazby. Zároveň slouží k nácviku komunikativních schopností.V první části studenti doplňují chybějící výrazy do dialogu. V druhé části přiřazují k definicím výrazy z dialogu.Ve třetí části studenti ve dvojicích obměňují dialog ze cvičení 1.Ve čtvrté části kompletují fráze na základě odpovědí. Pomůcky: pracovní listy, psací potřeby Poznámka: Studenti pracují ve dvojicích. Inovace: zapojení audiovizuální techniky do výuky, rozvoj komunikačních schopností
1.Complete the dialogue with words from the box. 24.99 pounds,black, brother,jumper,jumpers, medium Shop assistant Can I help you? Julia I´m looking for a ………………….. Shop assistant The ……………………. are over there, near the changing rooms. Julia Ok. Thanks… This one´s nice. And it is in the sale! Have you got it in …………………? Shop assistant Yes. What size are you? Julia It isn´t for me. It is a present for my ……………….. He´s a ………………… I think. Shop assistant Here you are. Could you come over to the till, please? That´s …………. Julia Can I bring it back if it doesn´t fit? Shop assistant Sure. Just keep the receipt.
1. Find the words in the dialogue and match them with the definitions. In a shop,changing room,receipt, sale, size, till, to fit a) A time when a shop sells things for less money than usual…………………………. b) How big or small something is ………………………… c) The place in a shop where you pay for things ………………………………….. d) A place where you try on clothes …………………………………. e) The ticket you get when you buy something …………………………………… f) To be the right size …………………………..
2. Work in pairs. Practice reading the dialogue in exercise 1, using different words from the box to complete it. 1,2 – T-shirt(s), jacket(s), tracksuit(s) 3 – blue, green, yellow 4 – sister, boyfriend, cousin 5 – small, large, extra-large 6 – 15.95 pouds, 35 pounds, 19.50 pounds
3. Complete the sentences from the dialogue in a shop. a)………………………. are you? – Um, small, I think. b)……………………….. it in a 14? – I´ll just have a look. c) Can I try it on? – Of course. The ……………………………. are over there. d)…………………………….? – I´m afraid not. It is too small. e)…………………. is it? - It is 19.50 pounds. Here is your ……………………...
Solution: 1.Complete the dialogue with words from the box. 24.99 pounds,black, brother,jumper,jumpers, medium Shop assistant Can I help you? Julia I´m looking for a jumper. Shop assistant The jumpers are over there, near the changing rooms. Julia Ok. Thanks… This one´s nice. And it is in the sale! Have you got it in black ? Shop assistant Yes. What size are you? Julia It isn´t for me. It is a present for my brother. He´s a medium I think. Shop assistant Here you are. Could you come over to the till, please? That´s 24.99 pounds. Julia Can I bring it back if it doesn´t fit? Shop assistant Sure. Just keep the receipt. Find the words in the dialogue and match them with the definitions. In a shop,changing room,receipt, sale, size, till, to fit A time when a shop sells things for less money than usual - sale How big or small something is - size The place in a shop where you pay for things - till A place where you try on clothes- changing room The ticket you get when you buy something - receit To be the right size – to fit
Work in pairs. Practice reading the dialogue in exercise 1, using different words from the box to complete it. 1,2 – T-shirt(s), jacket(s), tracksuit(s) 3 – blue, green, yellow 4 – sister, boyfriend, cousin 5 – small, large, extra-large 6 – 15.95 pouds, 35 pounds, 19.50 pounds Complete the sentences from the dialogue in a shop. What size are you? – Um, small, I think. Have you got it in a 14? – I´ll just have a look. Can I try it on? – Of course. The changing rooms are over there. Does it fit you ? – I´m afraid not. It is too small. How much is it? - It is 19.50 pounds. Here is your receipt.
Použité zdroje: SOARZ, Liz and John: New Headway, Pre – intermediate, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007, ISBN 978-0-19-471585-0. FALLA Tim,DAVIES Paul A: Maturita Solutions, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007,ISBN 978-0-190455169-4. MURPHY, Raymond: English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, 1994, ISBN 0-521- 43680-X.
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