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Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín ŠKOLA: Základní škola Velké Karlovice, okres Vsetín Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová AUTOR: Mgr. Pavla Šrubařová VY_22_INOVACE_AKON_20_First_aid NÁZEV: VY_22_INOVACE_AKON_20_First_aid TEMA: First aid CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.1529 ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.1529
Výukový materi á l: EUP Š _OP VK_ Š rubařov á _AJ2_20_First_aid Š ablona: III/2 Sada:AJ2 Autor: Mgr. Pavla Š rubařov á Vytvořeno: Únor 2013 Ověřeno: Ročn í k: 6 a vý š e Druh učebn í ho materi á lu: Prezentace Vzděl á vac í oblast: Jazyk a jazykov á komunikace Předmět: Anglický jazyk Tematický okruh: Konverzace T é ma: První pomoc Anotace: Otázky na úvod k tématu. Slovní zásoba – obsah lékarničky. Postup ošetření odřeniny. Video – jak se zachovat v různých situacích kdy je třeba poskytnout 1. pomoc. Jak zavolat záchranku. Video – jak správně poskytnout masáž srdce. Shrnující otázky. Pozn á mky:
First aid First aid is basic medical help given very quickly to somebody who has some kind of urgent health problem. The main goal of first aid is to preserve life.
First aid Can you remember a situation when you were hurt? What kind of injury was it? Can you remember a situation when you were hurt? What kind of injury was it? Are you allergic to something? Are you allergic to something? Have you ever helped anybody who was injured? What did you do? Have you ever helped anybody who was injured? What did you do? What is a phone number for ambulance in The Czech Republic? Great Britain? Germany? What is a phone number for ambulance in The Czech Republic? Great Britain? Germany? 155 or 112 155 or 112 What is a first aid kit? Have you got it at home or in a car? What should be there? What is a first aid kit? Have you got it at home or in a car? What should be there? Answer the questions – Odpovězte na otázky
First aid kit Two pairs of sterile gloves Two pairs of sterile gloves Sterile dressings Sterile dressings Adhesive plaster = band aid Adhesive plaster = band aid Scissors Scissors Tweezers Tweezers Thermometer Thermometer Face mask Face mask Antiseptic wipes Antiseptic wipes Paracetamol Paracetamol Peroxide Peroxide
First aid How to treat a scrape? (for example on child´s knee) How to treat a scrape? (for example on child´s knee) Put a bit of ointment on the scrape. Apply a plaster or dressing over it. Put peroxide on the scrape to clean any bacteria. Wash it with soap and warm water. Put the instructions into the right order – Seřaďte instrukce ve správném pořadí
First aid How to treat a scrape? (for example on child´s knee) How to treat a scrape? (for example on child´s knee) Wash it with soap and warm water. Wash it with soap and warm water. Put peroxide on the scrape to clean any bacteria. Put peroxide on the scrape to clean any bacteria. Put a bit of ointment on the scrape. Put a bit of ointment on the scrape. Apply a plaster or dressing over it. Apply a plaster or dressing over it. Key - řešení
First aid Watch the video from British Red Cross to see what to do when someone is having a heart attack. After watching tell the class what to do. Sledujte video britského červeného kříže; co dělat když někoho postihne infarkt. Po sledování řekněte třídě, co se má udělat. XlNowI&list=PL8271405A1DB09A5D XlNowI&list=PL8271405A1DB09A5D XlNowI&list=PL8271405A1DB09A5D XlNowI&list=PL8271405A1DB09A5D Here is one video just to see, smile and learn Tady je jedno video ke sledování, zasmání i poučení
First aid Do you remember what should be in a first aid kit? Do you remember what should be in a first aid kit? How would you call an ambulance? For example for somebody who has a heart attack. (Role play in pairs – make a dialogue) How would you call an ambulance? For example for somebody who has a heart attack. (Role play in pairs – make a dialogue) How would you treat some smaller injury like scrape or cut? How would you treat some smaller injury like scrape or cut? Name some bigger injuries that can happen. Name some bigger injuries that can happen.
First aid Použité zdroje: XlNowI&list=PL8271405A1DB09A5D XlNowI&list=PL8271405A1DB09A5D
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