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ZveřejnilVladislav Štěpánek
Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk Autor: Petra Skotnicová Buckingham Palace Oxford Street Buildings of Parliament Downing Street River Thames Tower Bridge
Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk London is the capital of the UK. About 7 million people live there. In the town you can see (visit): TRAFALGAR SQUARE LONDON EYE BUCKINGHAM PALACE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM TOWER OF LONDON AND OTHER PLACES London is situated on the River Thames in the south of England.
Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazykHISTORY London was founded 2 000 years ago. The Romans built their settlement there in 43 A. D. and called it it Londonium. London survived plague „black death“ killing almost London survived plague „black death“ killing almost 100 000 people in 1665. In 1666 there was the Great fire destroying two thirds of the city. In 1666 there was the Great fire destroying two thirds of the city.
Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk London is divided into 3 cities (parts): THE CITY OF LONDON - THE CITY OF LONDON THE CITY OF WESTMINSTER - THE CITY OF WESTMINSTER THE CITY OF SOUTHWARK. - THE CITY OF SOUTHWARK.
Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk 1.The City of London: -is the oldest part, -there are banks and offices, -you can see Saint Paul´s Cathedral there. 2. The City of Westminster: -is the government centre, -there are the Houses of Parliament, 10 Downing Street, Buckingham Palace and all government buildings. 3. The City of Southwark: -is on the other side of the river, -there are a lot of houses and one of London´s biggest stations: Waterloo.
Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk Do you know the answers? 1. This is the Prime Minister´s address:________________ 2. You can see the Crown Jeweles here:_______________ 3. Big Ben is a part of this building:___________________ 4. The Queen lives there:___________________________ 5. There are fountains, lions and pigeons here:__________ Downing Street The Tower of London The Houses of Parliament Buckingham Palace Trafalgar Square
Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk Complete the gaps: Complete the gaps: ________Street ________Street ________Square ________Square River _________ River _________ ________Bridge ________Bridge ________Palace ________Palace ___________Museum ___________Museum ________Park ________Park ________Ben ________Ben OXFORDTRAFALGAR THAMESTOWER BUCKINGHAM NATURAL HISTORY HYDEBIG
Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk Make a „mind map“: LONDON HISTORY (3) PARTS OF LONDON MONUMENTS PLACES (10) BASIC INFO (5)
Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk ndon
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