Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk Autor: Petra Skotnicová Buckingham Palace Oxford Street Buildings of Parliament Downing Street.

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Prezentace na téma: "Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk Autor: Petra Skotnicová Buckingham Palace Oxford Street Buildings of Parliament Downing Street."— Transkript prezentace:

1 Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk Autor: Petra Skotnicová Buckingham Palace Oxford Street Buildings of Parliament Downing Street River Thames Tower Bridge

2 Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk  London is the capital of the UK.  About 7 million people live there.  In the town you can see (visit): TRAFALGAR SQUARE LONDON EYE BUCKINGHAM PALACE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM TOWER OF LONDON AND OTHER PLACES  London is situated on the River Thames in the south of England.

3 Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazykHISTORY  London was founded 2 000 years ago.  The Romans built their settlement there in 43 A. D. and called it it Londonium. London survived plague „black death“ killing almost  London survived plague „black death“ killing almost 100 000 people in 1665. In 1666 there was the Great fire destroying two thirds of the city.  In 1666 there was the Great fire destroying two thirds of the city.

4 Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk  London is divided into 3 cities (parts): THE CITY OF LONDON - THE CITY OF LONDON THE CITY OF WESTMINSTER - THE CITY OF WESTMINSTER THE CITY OF SOUTHWARK. - THE CITY OF SOUTHWARK. http://maps.google.com/maps?q=london

5 Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk 1.The City of London: -is the oldest part, -there are banks and offices, -you can see Saint Paul´s Cathedral there. 2. The City of Westminster: -is the government centre, -there are the Houses of Parliament, 10 Downing Street, Buckingham Palace and all government buildings. 3. The City of Southwark: -is on the other side of the river, -there are a lot of houses and one of London´s biggest stations: Waterloo.

6 Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk  Do you know the answers? 1. This is the Prime Minister´s address:________________ 2. You can see the Crown Jeweles here:_______________ 3. Big Ben is a part of this building:___________________ 4. The Queen lives there:___________________________ 5. There are fountains, lions and pigeons here:__________ Downing Street The Tower of London The Houses of Parliament Buckingham Palace Trafalgar Square

7 Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk Complete the gaps:  Complete the gaps: ________Street  ________Street ________Square  ________Square River _________  River _________ ________Bridge  ________Bridge ________Palace  ________Palace ___________Museum  ___________Museum ________Park  ________Park ________Ben  ________Ben OXFORDTRAFALGAR THAMESTOWER BUCKINGHAM NATURAL HISTORY HYDEBIG

8 Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk  Make a „mind map“: LONDON HISTORY (3) PARTS OF LONDON MONUMENTS PLACES (10) BASIC INFO (5)

9 Elektronické učební materiály - II. stupeň Anglický jazyk http://office.microsoft.com/cs-cz/images http://maps.google.com/maps?q=lo ndon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Fire_of_London http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buckingham_Palace http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/River_Thames http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford_Street http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Downing_Street http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_Bridge http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliament_Buildings_(Britain)

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